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igordimitrov's Achievements
Newbie (1/16)
its a classic dude... MID rate & B gr GM shop but the new one is 3th class / sub way ...
Link !?
Srv is Closed !?
LineAge2Beast ~~~> Official start of server: 10.05.2013 at 16:00 GMT+2 RATES : -Rate Xp = 75 -Rate Sp = 75 -Rate Party Xp/Sp = 2 -Rate Spoil Items = 20 -Rate Drop Items = 20 -Rate Adena = 75 -Drop Manor rate = 5 -Rate Quest Drop = 10 -Rate Quests Reward = 10 (not for all ) -Grand Boss : Adena Raid = 10 & Items Boss = 1 (Epic Jewels x1) -Raid Boss : Adena Raid = 20 & Items Raid = 20 Enchant Rate: -Enchant Safe/Max Weapon = 4/16 -Enchant Safe/Max Armor = 4/16 -Enchant Safe/Max Jewelry = 4/16 -Normal Scroll = 58% / Blessed Scroll = 68% Champion Rate Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) = 7 % -Champion Hp = 4 -Champion Rewards = 4 -Champion Adenas Rewards = 3 Server Feature -Quest no Need for Subclass -Noblesse questable/buyable -Buffs/Buff Time - 2h -NPC Buffer normal -All caste/clan hall work -Skills 99% working -Dualbox is allowed x4. -Flawless geodata -GM Shop up to B-Grades -GM Shop trading SealStones -Global Gatekeeper -Olympiad period : 1 week -Olympiad min players: 5 (Non-Classed) -Olympiad min players: 3 (Classed) -Autolearn skills -NPC changing classes -Merchant of Mammon in town -Blacksmith of Mammon in town -Max buff amount: 28 (+4) -Friendly GM Staff -Regular updates -Clan 4/5 lvl. quest item from Vote Item! -Vote rewards : Vote Item -Every 5 votes = 1 Vote reward item! -Vote Shop in Giran Only! -Player's spawn protect: 15 sec -Antibot system -Voice-Commands : .online , .repair , .expoff , .expon , .menu , /pvpinfo! GrandBoss Info -Barakiel - 4 Hours ( 75 lvl + ) -Queen Ant - 22+2 -Core - 20+1 -Zaken - 40+4 -Frintezza - 48+6 -Baium - 72+3 -Antharas - 96+3 -Valakas - 108+3 Server Home Page : www.Lineage2Beast.com
[L2j]DarknessVoice main+1 expect us 20/04/2013
igordimitrov replied to DarknessVoice's topic in Private Servers
is it there any kind of website ? :D and info about GM shop ? -
[L2J]La2Grind:Reborn Start Date 2013.04.12 19:00GMT+2
igordimitrov replied to Elviuxx's topic in Private Servers
bump ... 1st : IT'S NOT C6/INTERLUDE SERVER ANY MORE 2nd : It's so big crappy sh1t ( For Real ) 3th : DO NOT GO there guys :) -
[L2J] Independent x75 MID rate srv GM SHOP Up To B-grade
igordimitrov replied to igordimitrov's topic in Private Servers
ITS L2 CLASSIC SRV there not some custom items/staffs/etc -
[L2J] Independent x75 MID rate srv GM SHOP Up To B-grade
igordimitrov replied to igordimitrov's topic in Private Servers
the fail and sucsses of 1 srv do not depend from platform that was used l2 OFF l2 J or Actir/v /etc its depend by Owner Skills for srv fix/balance/future !!! -
[L2J] Independent x75 MID rate srv GM SHOP Up To B-grade
igordimitrov replied to igordimitrov's topic in Private Servers
SERVER WILL BE OPEN AT 12.03.2013 GMT+2 18:00 -
L2Independent Present Srv Rates -RATE XP = 75 -RATE SP = 75 -RATE PARTY XP/XP = 1.5 -RATE SPOIL ITEMS = 20 -RATE DROP ITEMS = 15 -RATE ADENA = 65 -RATE QUEST DROP = 10 -RATE QUESTS REWARD = 2 -GRAND BOSS : -ADENA BOSS = 10 -ITEMS BOSS = 1 -RAID BOSS : -ADENA RAID = 5 -ITEMS RAID = 5 Enchant Rates ENCHANT SAFE/MAX WEAPON = 4/16 -ENCHANT SAFE/MAX ARMOR = 4/16 -ENCHANT SAFE/MAX JEWELRY = 4/16 -NORMAL SCROLL = 55% / BLESSED SCROLL = 60% AUGMENTATION -Augmentation - 1+1 -TOP LS - 10% CHANCE TO GET A SKILL -HIGH LS - 7% CHANCE TO GET A SKILL -MID LS - 5% CHANCE TO GET A SKILL CHAMPION MONSTERS -CHANCE FOR A MOB TO BECAME CHAMPION (IN PERCENTS) = 3 % -CHAMPION HP = 5 -CHAMPION REWARD = 1 Champion Medal -CHAMPION ADENAS REWARDS = 2 Avalable Commands -.online - Show how ppls are online ! -.repair - fixed stuck char ! -.expon/off - Allowed / Stopped Exp and SP ! FUTURE -QUEST NO NEED FOR SUBCLASS -NOBLESSE QUESTABLE/BUYABLE -BUFFS/BUFF TIME - 2H -NPC BUFFER NORMAL -ALL CASTLE/CLAN HALL WORK -SKILLS 90% WORKING -DUALBOX IS ALLOWED x4. -FLAWLESS GEODATA -GM SHOP UP TO B-GRADES -GM SHOP TRADING SEALSTONES -GLOBAL GATEKEEPER -OLYMPIAD PERIOD : 1 WEEK -OLYMPIAD MIN. PLAYERS: 4 (NON-CLASSED) -OLYMPIAD MIN. PLAYERS: 4 (CLASSED) -AUTOLEARN SKILLS -NPC CHANGING CLASSES -MERCHANT OF MAMMON IN GIRAN -BLACKSMITH OF MAMMON IN GIRAN -MAX BUFF AMOUNT: 26 (+4) -FRIENDLY GM STAFF -REGULAR UPDATES -CLAN 4/5 LVL. QUEST ITEM FROM VOTE MEDAL! -VOTE REWARDS : VOTE MEDAL -VOTE SHOP IN GIRAN ONLY! -PLAYER'S SPAWN PROTECT: 15 SEC SPECIAL QUESTS REWARD TYRANNOSAURUS CLAW - 200 REPUTATION ZERO HOUR - x2 DELICIOUS TOP CHOICE MEAT - x5 Raid Boss Spawn ALL Normal Raids 12 h Out of Window Time and Out of exception !!! ANT QUEEN 22h !!! Out of Window Time Zaken 40 h Out of Window Time !!! Orfen 26 h Out of Window Time !!! Core 20h Out of Window Time !!! Antharas& Baium 72 h Out of Window Time !!! VALAKAS 96 h Out of Window Time !!! FrinTezza 48 h Out of Window Time !!! BARAKIEL 5 h ONLY Out of Window Time !!! Server Web L2Independent*Eu So, Guys , I hope to this server will be lakeable for you and your friends. All of our rates was maded by Players 4 Players , we got Raid Bossed Spawn Out of Window Time cuz all of us know how many terrible and exosted is this f*cking Window Time ( Random) to w8 some RBs to spawn in the world of Line][Age many hours like 2 or 3 or 4 and for Epics 4 ~6h , and we desided to make ALL raids Out of Window Time !! ONLY AND ONLY FOR YOU GUYS . I hope to we will see you all in this server where we will be Really Activ Stuffs not , its not a joke , Admin or HGM or any another GM will be ONLINE all the time when you guys want to contact with us . And One More Guys , Be sure that anywhere and in Anytime near you maybe got a stuff member who will watching you till all of you make some farm or raids or PvP or any
L2[J] L2 Hunter MID rate Interlude Shop = B CHEK IT
igordimitrov replied to igordimitrov's topic in Private Servers
Guys srv is rlly good :) do not got bugs + REALLY ACTIV ADMIN !!! 18/24 h trust me :) If u want go in forum and chek bug section + log and ask for ADM activity ;) -
L2 hunter was started in 19.01 so we still growing like a little child in this big world :) i hope we will grow each day in comunity we got + 30 PPL from start atm so Join us if u want :) Srv is good :) not too easy farm not to hard :} ofc if you got friends will be easy for you :) http://www.lineageIIhunter.tk/index.html ~~~>>> Lineage ][ Hunter Features <<<~~~ Interlude Mid Rate Server NO CUSTOM SERVER Why you should join? ->No lag ->No rolback ->Easy farm ->TvT auto and gm events ->Helpful Staff ->No custom Items ->90% of skills balanced ->90% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance) General Server Rate ->Experience: x70 ->Spexperience: x70 ->Party Experience: x2 ->Party Spexperience: x2 ->Adena: x50 ->Spoil Rate: x20 ->Drop Items: x20 ->Drop Quest: x10 ->Quest Reward: x3 ->Drop Raid: x15 Enchant ->Safe Enchant + 3 ->Max Enchant + 16 ->Normal Scroll Rate: 50% ->Blessed Scroll Rate: 65% Server Buff System -> Buff Slots 24 + 4 -> Gm shop up to B grade -> A/S craft -> Blacksmith of mamon and merchant inside GM shop -> Caradine letter inside gm shop ->Buffer NPC: 2 Hour Buff Duration Olympiad System ->Hero Period - 2 Weeks Subclass Features ->No Quest Item request for Subclasses ->Max sub class per char = 3 Clan/Ally Features ->Clan lvl 3/4/5 Items inside in Gm Shop Npc ->Max Clans in ally 3 Custom Command System ->.online - show online members ->.repair - fixed problems with your char like stuck/critical erros ->/escape - To soe 20 seconds New Char Items ->All New Players will start with 500k Adena ->All New Players will start with 500k Ancient Adena ->Top No - Grade Equipment Augment ->Chance to get skills ->Normal LifeStone 5% ->Mid Grade LifeStone 10% ->High grade LifeStone 15% ->Top Grade LifeStone 20%
L2 hunter was started in 19.01 so we still growing like a little child in this big world :) i hope we will grow each day in comunity we got + 30 PPL from start atm so Join us if u want :) Srv is good :) not too easy farm not to hard :} ofc if you got friends will be easy for you :) http://www.lineageIIhunter.tk/index.html ~~~>>> Lineage ][ Hunter Features <<<~~~ Interlude Mid Rate Server NO CUSTOM SERVER Why you should join? ->No lag ->No rolback ->Easy farm ->TvT auto and gm events ->Helpful Staff ->No custom Items ->90% of skills balanced ->90% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance) General Server Rate ->Experience: x70 ->Spexperience: x70 ->Party Experience: x2 ->Party Spexperience: x2 ->Adena: x50 ->Spoil Rate: x20 ->Drop Items: x20 ->Drop Quest: x10 ->Quest Reward: x3 ->Drop Raid: x15 Enchant ->Safe Enchant + 3 ->Max Enchant + 16 ->Normal Scroll Rate: 50% ->Blessed Scroll Rate: 65% Server Buff System -> Buff Slots 24 + 4 -> Gm shop up to B grade -> A/S craft -> Blacksmith of mamon and merchant inside GM shop -> Caradine letter inside gm shop ->Buffer NPC: 2 Hour Buff Duration Olympiad System ->Hero Period - 2 Weeks Subclass Features ->No Quest Item request for Subclasses ->Max sub class per char = 3 Clan/Ally Features ->Clan lvl 3/4/5 Items inside in Gm Shop Npc ->Max Clans in ally 3 Custom Command System ->.online - show online members ->.repair - fixed problems with your char like stuck/critical erros ->/escape - To soe 20 seconds New Char Items ->All New Players will start with 500k Adena ->All New Players will start with 500k Ancient Adena ->Top No - Grade Equipment Augment ->Chance to get skills ->Normal LifeStone 5% ->Mid Grade LifeStone 10% ->High grade LifeStone 15% ->Top Grade LifeStone 20%
speak for 28 not for +4...
hahaha REALLY ? 1st mine L2 exp = PRELUDE till ATM !!! 2nd i joking for ur " S grade " donate 3th I tell u that 28 buffs are perf for FIGHTERS TO FARM i do not speak for PvP just i tell u what will hapend with 24 ( mage own) 4th : WE never speak for c6 OP chars like : Necro/TH/GLadi / pain/mirage/skills&barrier 5th : THERE allready got SC/CLan/CP/QHP/etc DONATE ___________________________________________________________________________________________ and 1 more .. its QUESTION for u : u will come to join us or no ?