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Everything posted by crymoreplz

  1. crymoreplz

    ANIME !!

    lupin the 3rd 4 sure ...monkey Punch ftw ^^ new animes like naruto/bleach/D-ball look all the same IMO....
  2. http://www.l2p.bravehost.com/buffs.html buff bonuses and explanations
  3. well depends on the timezone of ur server's GM but my favorite for a 70+/- is blazing swamp (moonstone shards ftw) with quest active u can make a lot of adena or else u can subclass/noblesse ur characters.....
  4. thx a lot :D
  5. well i don't know why but i'm experiencing troubles with this server if u guys can manage something to log in with an IG wlaker plz post here on send me a PM :D here's the server: http://cosmosl2.com/ ty in advance ;D
  6. plz...i need a bot for this server....it is a l2j c6 server....does anyone have a bot that work on this server?plz i need too much! :-[ :-* :oty :D
  7. uhm...i think that the 1.78 is a bot for l2 off servers...so on a l2j doesnt work :S...(btw i dont know if zeus is l2j or l2off xD^^').....anyone have got a bot for c6servers l2j?plzzz i need it LOL :D
  8. uuu very usefull!...ty man
  9. crymoreplz

    new forest

  10. lol...>.<
  11. crymoreplz


  12. i've checked on dn too but it doesnt work :s
  13. this is a trick/bug that works on dragon network..dont know if someone have alread posted it..if yes sorry...lock this:P...and sorry also for my bad english LOL^^' a sorceror or spellsinger ago to the unaware of victim blazing skin summoner a door to 1/2 HP the own one summon the summoner it attacks with summon the unaware of victim, cuz the victim blazing skin is then returned the damage and the pet she dies. but for a bug the summoner doesnt becomes violet and thus the victim becomes PK This bug doesnt increases you "pointscore" PK, but if you have > 5pk then to us enough that they kill to you and u drop someone also make the party (thinks with IF or SK that it makes you thus lightin strike and u cant run:P) thats all...sry again for my english....bb:O
  14. OK!...now i canclick on them...but i have another problem...i've clicked on mark all and i saved..but when i log in game i dont have ghost camera and infinity zoom for example...why?...plz i need help!!!...someone respound ghgh:P^^'
  15. plzzzz help me!!!....i open l2 utils..i go on miscellanous but i cant click nothing...cuz nothing happenz...if i click on MARK ALL for example nothing happenz OO...why?...anyone know?
  16. oh yeaaaaaaa ...now im able to open it LOL...^^...but i have another problem :S...when i click on miscellanous i see zoom mod end ghost camera for example...but if i click on them nothing happens...i have to open l2utils before l2 or other?...tell me plz!!!
  17. uhm....i tried the script on dragon network 15x...the script works...BUT NOTHING HAPPENS :S....dunno...
  18. uuuuu very very nice programme...give him some karma lol....btw i have some problem...it says me that is inizializing..and i have to set it...but if a click ok it says that it doesnt have the ip ...i have to write the ip of my server near the word ip?...if yes anyone know the ip of dn?...thx in advance
  19. link for first,second and 3rd step doesnt work...happears this on me: 502 Bad Gateway -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS/0.4
  20. /OFF TOPIC(im sorry but i dont found a topic that i've already saw one time...what is the name of the topic where there's a programme that has ghost camera?...thx in advance^^ im blind LOL)
  21. what are u saying?...i see only this of yours reply here oO
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