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Everything posted by bronkerz

  1. More than 700b SOLD. 100b LEFT. Thanks to Pufa, Citygamer, John8 and many others out of MXC.
  2. WTS Adena CORE server. 3.5€/b If you Buy 100b or more price will be 3€/b
  3. Several Items Sold to Citygamer and Pufa. Trusted guys!! First post updates with remaining items. Account is still on sale with remain things
  4. Ruler's Belt SOLD to Citygamer Trusted Buyer
  5. Dude as easy as that. Seems hard? ^^ EDIT: Watch Out with BlindFox aka EddyBravo#1720 Tried to scamm me but failed ^^ Post Updated +5 Radiant Circlet added to character gear.
  6. Hi, I want to sell my main Character in Core Server couse im too busy IRL and dont have much time to play. Tyr maestro Lv. 108 more than 50% // Dual class Tyr Dreadnought 105 40% Fafurion Avenger Lv. 2 Shillien Lv. 5 with it +5 Radiant Warrior Circlet +10 Trancendent Light Set with Cool Appearance +4 Enchanted Levi Shield +5 Enhaced La vie en Roses Brooch (lvl 3 and 4 Jewels) +10 Lucien Bracelet (+10% Patk) Ruler's Of Authority Seven Signs Talisman Talisman Insanity Talisman Abundance Lv.1 Sayha Talisman Lv. 8 Venir Talisman Lv. 12 x3 Legendary Lv. 5 Dye (P atk, P Skill Power, P Crit Dmg) Dragon Rind leather Shirt +3 Bless Antharas Earring +5 Tauti Ring +8 Angel Necklace Assault 1 Nevit Cloack x1 in box Sealed Longing Talisman A lot of Junk in WH with Freya Runes, Sayhas pack etc etc of last events. Im the ORIGINAL OWNER of this account we can change email with no problem if neccesary. Im actually listen OFFERS FOR FULL ACCOUNT. I keep my right of reject trade with whoever i want, if i dont feel fine with you, i wont trade. Feel Free of private me ^^ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Several Items Sold to Citygamer and Pufa. Trusted Guys!! Some adena sold to John8, perfect as allways. Trusted guy!!
  7. Hi, Send me a msg with price and more info about email/account giving. Ty in advance
  8. WTS. Grand Khavatari lv. 85 97% FULL ATTRIBUTES +12 Sobekk's Hurricane + Super Tyr Rune 13 + Lilith Rune lvl 1 +10 Tallum Heavy Set + Appearance +13 Lance (Tradeable for +12 Tiphoon Spear on Next Update) ToI VI Ruby Lv. 5 Jade Lv. 5 Garnet Lv. 5 +10 Full Ignis Necklace (+15% P atk) +1STR Accesory Brazalet of Duty lvl 5 Agathion Brazalet lvl 4 Agathion Joy (Dash skill) Cloak Of DarkNess (wearable even w/o Castle, but not tradeable) OFFERS!! Ty in advance
  9. Nice deal, nice guy! RECOMENDED
  10. Iss Hierophant lv 100 -45% -Have Battle ditty Dual : Iss Sword Muse lv 98 - 60% 1st sub : Shillien Templar lv 80 2nd sub : Spectral Dancer lv 80 71k pa points The char comes with : -Seraph Heavy set +5/4/4/3/3 3 3 X 60 -Requiend Duals 2 sa -Talisman - Destruction -Angel Circlet Pdef -Old Elemntal Shirt -Maphs Shirt +5 -Venir lvl5 -42k ment of marks -740 Dayli coin -17 freya -3 Rare Accesory box 7 days -4 Xp buff 1h -15 Pomona -23 EAR ~350kk Adena La Vie En Rose's (3 slots) with the following gems : - Diamond lv 3 - Pearl lv 3 - Tanzanite 2 - Vital 2 - garnet 1, obsidian 1 car eye 1 pm here for more info or offer.
  11. I delete msg in my inbox it is free atm
  12. Sigel Hell Knight lv 101 - 16% -Have Physical Mirror, Reefelc Damage and Shield Deflec damage from 3º Prof(you save it if you change to another tank) -101 Avenger Aura Dual : Iss Sword Muse lv 99 - 13% 1st sub : Sagittarius lv 80 2nd sub : Moonlight Sentinel lv 80 Still premium for 6 days 22.5k pa points The char comes with : -Eternal Heavy set +4/4/3/3/3 3 3 X 60 -Eternal Shield +3 -Talisman - Destruction -Aria's Bracelet +3 con -Enhanced Octavis and Tauti Bracelet -Angel Circlet Pdef -Commando Belt -Old Elemntal Shirt -Agation Joon and Gemini 4 days left -Venir lvl3 -3500 Mark Of batle -30k ment of marks -18 Mysterius Wind Scroll -332 Dayli coin -6 freya -Prestiuge rune pack 7 day -2 Rare Accesory box 7 days -4 Repleshing vitality top grade -8 Pomona -9 Rune 1h 100% exp -14 Vitality tonics -40 EAR ~800kk Adena La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch (5 slots) with the following gems : - Diamond lv 4 - Pearl lv 3 - Obsidian lv 3 - Ruby lv 2 - Esmerald level 2 .Only miss ekimis and 20 proof of batle for exalted level 2 Prestige Rune still active for 13 days In the same acc 101 tank in core, 99 eevis Pm here for offer and more info and some photos. 80€ (have like 2kkk in items + adena). https://ibb.co/mUc6JQ
  13. WTS Eviscerator 102 20% 16 AP / Dual Yul Ghost sentinel 100 16 AP Main class Eviscerator 102 16 AP: - lvl 102 20%+ XP - dyes:14 STR +1 CHA - 53000+ PA points - Talisman - Hellfire - SKILS: -Bacspim Blow +6 Haste -Gravity hit +7 focus -Air light +10 haste -Distorsion +9 time -Spalation +7 time -Gravity Barrier +10 time -Steal Mind +12 time -Left sidesteep +10 chance -Right sidesteep +10 hex -Crussing air +11 chance -Flying knec kick +8 chance - Full Exalted. - jewelry box: 5 slotted brooch with Pearl lvl 4 / Obsidian lvl 3 / Diamond lvl 4 / Vital stone lvl 4 / Ruby level 4 / opal level 4/ saphire level 3 /esmerald level 3 -67 Maph's Wind Scroll, Aria Bracelt +3 str, Hat +3 str. - +10 Shiny Elemntal shirt Another characters on the account: - Iss doomcryer 86/tyr duelist 97 Pm here price
  14. Trusted Seller!! Fast and friendly! Recomended. +1
  15. I want to buy a cheap one, pm with level and price. Ty.
  16. Hi, pm with level and Price ty.
  17. Ty for your feedback m8. Updated with new fresh stock :)
  18. Is on Post: L2coreserver ty
  19. Hi all, Again... i quitting game xD And as some time ago i'm selling cheap adena on Core server, this time for an osom 10€/b. I ONLY accept Paypal as Gift, and of course sending money first. I'm fully trusted here, so u dont have to be afraid for deals ^^ Stock (06/12/2016): 30b Price 10€/b UPDATE 19/10/2016 PvP Light Set +8 (SOLD) If u interesting add me on Skype L2coreserver or/and write me here on pm Ty in advice, =3
  20. Post can be Closed!! Ty
  21. As tittle say, looking for Othell 101 on Core server. NAKED just pm me with info. Paying with paypal as gift. I've made several deals here (buying and selling) and all went allways good so i can call myself Trusted. Ty in advice
  22. Hi, please pm me with ur price mate. Ty in advice
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