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About Hiam87

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  1. I lol'd break this piece of shit? Yeah send "this piece of shit" a buffer-overflow and the server crashes. Your reasoning ceases to amaze me.
  2. And i wanna hex change a protection scheme why? To scam servers to use it? It's a serverside protection. >_> Good luck with finding a buffer-overflow in something that just intercepts >_>
  3. Um, no walker now :|
  4. And now that xor method does not work anymore :<
  5. And thats the ever spinning wheel of protection and cracking :)
  6. Lol, yeah that garbage keygeneration is silly.... Generates garbage on the sides for each new connect, but the real key does not change... Its soooo funny..... However, we're still not there. You can't do anything even if you're able to connect :( Somehov the infomration is obfuscated :(
  7. mpj123. Read. Adding clueless answers was never a good habbit of wise people.
  8. You realize you're a diss-grace to the whole unpacker & cracker community right? "script to reversing this pack themedia" Dude heck. Firstly, Code Obfuscator? Secondly, The Themida "unpacker-scripts" are poc attacks. Which are aiming at ring0 and you successfully establish the attack by hooking onto ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation via SDT. And since they don't use ring0 with the latest versions, because 64bits does not handle it, it's rather hard to use it aswell.... Which case, The unpacking is not easy and no there is no script that will successfully unpack it. Man you gotta know what you're talking about. If you're gonna lie, atleast do it good. There is one way you will be able to get it unpacked. And thats knowledge. Which you certainly do not posses. Secondly, did you take a peek at the actual connections between l2.exer and lineageenv.dll? When you close it down, you need to be-ingame and already logged. You do realise how easy that is to fix? :P You're a fool to give the information away. Your way was certainly valid to one aspect. The other was, heh for how much does it work when they fking changed the whole l2protocol? Sigh, Dude get a grip, stop lying and stop trying to gain fame you do not disserve. Thats it for now. Hope to see you with some valid knowledge in the future.
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