you honestly must be terrible at this game if you're so mana dependant, first, you pulled an argument like "everyone is going dagger" out of your ass, not even 10% of the damage dealers will be daggers, archers dude, archers. Second, you say that server with no mp pots=server with no pvp, yet i proved you wrong, there has been pvp always without the need of MP potions or anything similar until the release of C5, when elixirs appeared, however, those elixirs aren't reliable for pvp since you can use them with a high reuse time, thus making it non factor, and herbs are dropped by mobs, i doubt you pvp while killing mobs honestly.
15x is not a pvp server if by pvp server you mean retarded rates with useless support classes, even tho aerith media shows months of pvp, and way better pvp than the one you can get at those 50x servers, pvp that lasted up to 30 minutes cause of the shitload of people participating. 15x is just faster, and gives more chances to new clans to rise, that's all, the pvp will be awesome as it was on Aerith without needing MP potions or such retarded things.