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[SHARED] Lineage II Website [Logo PSD + SCRIPTS]
supersam999 replied to Noya's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
Nice bro i will download it -
[Share]Flash WebSite (for Gracia)
supersam999 replied to Boorinio's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
Beautyul :D -
[Share]My L2 server website
supersam999 replied to anonim_thepro's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
dont like ;/ -
[SHARED] Lineage II Website [Logo PSD + SCRIPTS]
supersam999 replied to Noya's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
thats nice , good work -
Hello, I wanted to set up new server, I need good protections for my database, can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
cant connect to log server
supersam999 replied to supersam999's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
Can any off dev sent me code line from this file lin_CheckLogTimeTable2 placed in lin2log/Programmability/Stored Procedures/ -
cant connect to log server
supersam999 replied to supersam999's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
I found sth, till the lines script works, after this he's ded , What have I do. How to make it manualy ? Can anyone help me with this problem ? [glow=red,2,300] -- Database : lin2log USE [lin2log] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[log_insert] ( [log_file] nvarchar(255) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NOT NULL, [log_table] nvarchar(50) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NOT NULL, [rowsprocessed] int NOT NULL, [log_year] int NOT NULL, [log_month] int NOT NULL, [log_day] int NOT NULL, [log_hour] int NOT NULL, [log_ip] int NOT NULL, [log_svr] nvarchar(20) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NOT NULL, [log_inout] nvarchar(20) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NOT NULL, [process_time] int NULL, [inserted] int NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO [/glow] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [move]<!-- Till this place script run well, after this he is ded , i looked into database -->[/move] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_BulkInsert] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_CheckLogTimeTable2] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_DropLogTable] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_GetWorldSnap] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_MakeChatLogTable] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_MakeItemLogTable] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_MakeLogTable] AS SELECT 0 GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_SetInserted] AS SELECT 0 GO ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.lin_BulkInsert ( @log_table varchar(512), @log_file varchar(128) ) AS set nocount on declare @sql varchar(1024) set @sql = ' set nocount on' + ' BULK INSERT ' + @log_table + ' FROM ''' + @log_file + ''' WITH ( MAXERRORS = 65535, FIELDTERMINATOR = '','', ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'' ) ' + ' select @@ROWCOUNT ' exec ( @sql ) GO /******************************************** lin_CheckLogTimeTable2 do check whether real time log table is exist or not INPUT @strDate varchar(16), @nWorld int OUTPUT return made by young date 2002-11-11 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_CheckLogTimeTable2] ( @strDate varchar(16), @nWorld int ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON declare @table_name varchar(60) declare @table2_name varchar(60) declare @view_name varchar(60) declare @sql varchar(2048) -- check log_realtime set @table_name = @strDate + 'log_realtime_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @table_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeLogTable ''' + @table_name + '''' exec (@sql) end -- check log_audit set @table_name = @strDate + 'log_audit_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @table_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeLogTable ''' + @table_name + '''' exec (@sql) end -- check log_data ( store 0~12 hour log) set @table_name = @strDate + 'log_data_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @table_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeLogTable ''' + @table_name + '''' exec (@sql) end -- check log_data2 ( store 12~24 hour log) set @table2_name = @strDate + 'log_data2_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @table2_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeLogTable ''' + @table2_name + '''' exec (@sql) end -- check log_data0 ( view ) set @view_name = @strDate + 'log_data0_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @view_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin -- set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeLogTable ''' + @table_name + '''' set @sql = 'CREATE VIEW dbo.' + @view_name + ' ( ' + ' act_time, log_id, actor, actor_account, target, target_account, location_x, location_y, location_z, ' + 'etc_str1, etc_str2, etc_str3, ' + 'etc_num1, etc_num2, etc_num3, etc_num4, etc_num5, etc_num6, etc_num7, etc_num8, etc_num9, etc_num10, ' + 'STR_actor, STR_actor_account, STR_target, STR_target_account, item_id ' + ' ) AS ' + ' SELECT act_time, log_id, actor, actor_account, target, target_account, location_x, location_y, location_z, ' + ' etc_str1, etc_str2, etc_str3, ' + ' etc_num1, etc_num2, etc_num3, etc_num4, etc_num5, etc_num6, etc_num7, etc_num8, etc_num9, etc_num10, ' + ' STR_actor, STR_actor_account, STR_target, STR_target_account, item_id ' + ' from ' + @table_name + ' (nolock) UNION ' + ' SELECT act_time, log_id, actor, actor_account, target, target_account, location_x, location_y, location_z, ' + ' etc_str1, etc_str2, etc_str3, ' + ' etc_num1, etc_num2, etc_num3, etc_num4, etc_num5, etc_num6, etc_num7, etc_num8, etc_num9, etc_num10, ' + ' STR_actor, STR_actor_account, STR_target, STR_target_account, item_id ' + ' from ' + @table2_name + ' (nolock) ' exec (@sql) end -- check chat set @table_name = @strDate + 'log_chat_' + cast (@nWorld as varchar) set @sql = 'select * from sysobjects (nolock) where name = '''+ @table_name + '''' exec ( @sql) if ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0) begin set @sql = 'exec lin_MakeChatLogTable ''' + @table_name + '''' exec (@sql) end GO ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.lin_DropLogTable @drop_date datetime, @drop_world int AS if @drop_date is null begin set @drop_date = getdate() set @drop_date = dateadd(d, -4, getdate()) end DECLARE @nyear int DECLARE @nmonth int DECLARE @nday int DECLARE @stryear varchar(10) DECLARE @strmonth varchar(10) DECLARE @strday varchar(10) DECLARE @str_report varchar(32) DECLARE @logdate int set @nyear = datepart(yyyy, @drop_date) set @nmonth = datepart(mm, @drop_date) set @nday = datepart(dd, @drop_date) set @stryear = cast(@nyear as varchar) if @nmonth < 10 set @strmonth = '0' + cast(@nmonth as varchar) else set @strmonth = cast (@nmonth as varchar) if @nday < 10 set @strday = '0' + cast(@nday as varchar) else set @strday = cast (@nday as varchar) set @str_report = @stryear + '/' + @strmonth + '/' + @strday set @logdate = cast(@stryear + @strmonth + @strday as int) ------------- now.. we have year, month, day string DECLARE @table_from varchar(60) declare @sql varchar (1024) set @table_from = 'L' + @stryear + '_' + @strmonth + '_' + @strday + '_log_data0_' + cast ( @drop_world as varchar) set @sql = ' drop view ' + @table_from exec (@sql) set @table_from = 'L' + @stryear + '_' + @strmonth + '_' + @strday + '_log_data_' + cast ( @drop_world as varchar) set @sql = ' drop table ' + @table_from exec (@sql) set @table_from = 'L' + @stryear + '_' + @strmonth + '_' + @strday + '_log_data2_' + cast ( @drop_world as varchar) set @sql = ' drop table ' + @table_from exec (@sql) /* set @table_from = 'L' + @stryear + '_' + @strmonth + '_' + @strday + '_log_chat_' + cast ( @drop_world as varchar) set @sql = ' drop table ' + @table_from exec (@sql) */ GO /****************************************************************************** #Name: lin_GetWorldSnap #Desc: do make snap shot table of user_data, user_item, pledge, user_nobless #Argument: Input: @db_server varchar(30) server name @user_id varchar(30) login id @user_pass varchar(30) password @world_id int world id @dtnow varchar(8) yyyyMMdd Output: #Return: #Result Set: #Remark: #Example: exec lin_GetWorldSnap 'l2db2', 'gamma', '********', 8 #See: #History: Create flagoftiger 2004-06-14 Modify btwinuni 2005-05-16 add: pledge Modify btwinuni 2005-09-29 add: user_nobless Modify btwinuni 2005-10-27 add parameter: dtnow ******************************************************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_GetWorldSnap] @db_server varchar(30), @user_id varchar(30), @user_pass varchar(30), @world_id int, @dtnow varchar(8) = '' AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON declare @tmp_user_item nvarchar(50) declare @tmp_user_data nvarchar(50) declare @tmp_pledge nvarchar(50) declare @tmp_user_nobless nvarchar(50) declare @drop_user_item nvarchar(50) declare @drop_user_data nvarchar(50) declare @drop_pledge nvarchar(50) declare @drop_user_nobless nvarchar(50) declare @dtnow2 nvarchar(8) declare @sql varchar(4000) if @dtnow = '' begin set @dtnow = convert(varchar, getdate(), 112) end set @dtnow2 = convert(varchar, DATEADD(d, -2, cast(@dtnow as datetime)), 112) -- set table name set @tmp_user_item = 'S' + left(@dtnow,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow,2) + '_snap_item_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @tmp_user_data = 'S' + left(@dtnow,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow,2) + '_snap_data_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @tmp_pledge = 'S' + left(@dtnow,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow,2) + '_snap_pledge_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @tmp_user_nobless = 'S' + left(@dtnow,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow,2) + '_snap_nobless_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) -- set drop table name set @drop_user_item = 'S' + left(@dtnow2,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow2,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow2,2) + '_snap_item_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @drop_user_data = 'S' + left(@dtnow2,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow2,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow2,2) + '_snap_data_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @drop_pledge = 'S' + left(@dtnow2,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow2,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow2,2) + '_snap_pledge_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) set @drop_user_nobless = 'S' + left(@dtnow2,4) + '_' + substring(@dtnow2,5,2) + '_' + right(@dtnow2,2) + '_snap_nobless_' + cast(@world_id as varchar) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user_item snap shot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check table whether @drop_user_item is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @drop_user_item + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @drop_user_item + ' end' exec (@sql) -- check table whether @tmp_user_item is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @tmp_user_item + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @tmp_user_item + ' end' exec (@sql) set @sql = ' select * into dbo.' + @tmp_user_item + ' from OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''' + @db_server + ''';''' + @user_id + ''';''' + @user_pass + ''', ''select * from lin2world.dbo.tmp_user_item (nolock) where char_id > 0 '') ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_item + '_1 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_item + ' (char_id asc, item_type asc, enchant desc ) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_item + '_2 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_item + ' (item_type asc, enchant desc ) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user_data snap shot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check table whether @drop_user_data is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @drop_user_data + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @drop_user_data + ' end' exec (@sql) -- check table whether 'tmp_user_data' is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @tmp_user_data + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @tmp_user_data + ' end' exec (@sql) set @sql = ' select * into dbo.' + @tmp_user_data + ' from OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''' + @db_server + ''';''' + @user_id + ''';''' + @user_pass + ''', ''select * from lin2world.dbo.tmp_user_data (nolock)'') ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_data + '_1 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_data + ' (exp desc) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_data + '_2 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_data + ' (race asc, exp desc) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_data + '_3 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_data + ' (class asc, exp desc) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pledge snap shot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check table whether @drop_pledge is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @drop_pledge + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @drop_pledge + ' end' exec (@sql) -- check table whether '@tmp_pledge' is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @tmp_pledge + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @tmp_pledge + ' end' exec (@sql) set @sql = ' select * into dbo.' + @tmp_pledge + ' from OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''' + @db_server + ''';''' + @user_id + ''';''' + @user_pass + ''', ''select * from lin2world.dbo.tmp_pledge (nolock)'') ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_pledge + '_1 on dbo.' + @tmp_pledge + ' (pledge_id) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user_nobless snap shot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check table whether @drop_user_nobless is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @drop_user_nobless + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @drop_user_nobless + ' end' exec (@sql) -- check table whether '@tmp_user_nobless' is exists or not set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[' + @tmp_user_nobless + ']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)' + ' begin' + ' drop table dbo.' + @tmp_user_nobless + ' end' exec (@sql) set @sql = ' select * into dbo.' + @tmp_user_nobless + ' from OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''' + @db_server + ''';''' + @user_id + ''';''' + @user_pass + ''', ''select * from lin2world.dbo.tmp_user_nobless (nolock)'') ' exec (@sql ) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @tmp_user_nobless + '_1 on dbo.' + @tmp_user_nobless + ' (char_id) with fillfactor = 90 ' exec (@sql ) GO /******************************************** lin_MakeChatLogTable do make whether log table is exist or not INPUT @table_name varchar(60) OUTPUT return made by young date 2003-09-19 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_MakeChatLogTable] ( @table_name varchar(60) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON declare @sql varchar(1024) set @sql = 'CREATE TABLE dbo.' + @table_name + ' (' + 'act_time datetime NULL ,' + 'log_id smallint NULL ,' + 'actor int NULL , ' + 'target int NULL , ' + 'location_x int NULL , ' + 'location_y int NULL , ' + 'location_z int NULL , ' + 'say varchar (256) NULL , ' + 'STR_actor varchar (32) NULL , ' + 'STR_target varchar (32) NULL ' + ' )' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_ACTOR on dbo.' + @table_name + ' (log_id, actor ) ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_TARGET on dbo.' + @table_name + ' ( log_id, target ) ' exec (@sql) GO /******************************************** lin_MakeItemLogTable do make whether log table is exist or not INPUT @table_name varchar(60) OUTPUT return made by young date 2002-11-11 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_MakeItemLogTable] ( @table_name varchar(60) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON declare @sql varchar(1024) set @sql = 'CREATE TABLE dbo.' + @table_name + ' (' + 'act_time datetime NULL ,' + 'log_id smallint NULL ,' + 'item_id int NULL , ' + 'item_type int NULL , ' + 'actor varchar(32) NULL , ' + 'actor_account varchar(32) NULL , ' + 'target varchar(32) NULL , ' + 'target_account varchar(32) NULL , ' + 'location_x int NULL , ' + 'location_y int NULL , ' + 'location_z int NULL , ' + 'etc_num1 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num2 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num3 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num4 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num5 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num6 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num7 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num8 int NULL ' + ' )' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_1 on dbo.' + @table_name + ' (log_id) ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_2 on dbo.' + @table_name + ' (item_id) ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_3 on dbo.' + @table_name + ' (item_type) ' exec (@sql) GO /******************************************** lin_MakeLogTable do make whether log table is exist or not INPUT @table_name varchar(60) OUTPUT return made by young date 2002-11-11 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_MakeLogTable] ( @table_name varchar(60) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON declare @sql varchar(1024) set @sql = 'CREATE TABLE dbo.' + @table_name + ' (' + 'act_time datetime NULL ,' + 'log_id smallint NULL ,' + 'actor int NULL , ' + 'actor_account int NULL , ' + 'target int NULL , ' + 'target_account int NULL , ' + 'location_x int NULL , ' + 'location_y int NULL , ' + 'location_z int NULL , ' + 'etc_str1 varchar (200) NULL , ' + 'etc_str2 varchar (50) NULL , ' + 'etc_str3 varchar (50) NULL , ' + 'etc_num1 float NULL , ' + 'etc_num2 float NULL , ' + 'etc_num3 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num4 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num5 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num6 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num7 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num8 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num9 int NULL , ' + 'etc_num10 int NULL,' + 'STR_actor varchar (48) NULL , ' + 'STR_actor_account varchar (32) NULL , ' + 'STR_target varchar (48) NULL , ' + 'STR_target_account varchar (32) NULL, ' + 'item_id int NULL' + ' )' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_ACTOR on dbo.' + @table_name + ' ( log_id, actor ) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_ITEMTYPE on dbo.' + @table_name + ' ( actor , log_id ) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] ' exec (@sql) set @sql = 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_' + @table_name + '_ITEMID on dbo.' + @table_name + ' ( item_id ) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY] ' exec (@sql) GO /******************************************** lin_SetInserted insert or update log file as inserted INPUT @log_file nvarchar(255), @log_table nvarchar(50), @log_year int, @log_month int, @log_day int, @log_hour int, @log_ip int, @log_svr nvarchar(20), @log_inout nvarchar(20), @rowsprocessed int OUTPUT return made by young date 2002-10-14 ********************************************/ ALTER PROCEDURE [DBO].[lin_SetInserted] ( @log_file nvarchar(255), @log_table nvarchar(50), @log_year int, @log_month int, @log_day int, @log_hour int, @log_ip int, @log_svr nvarchar(20), @log_inout nvarchar(20), @rowsprocessed int, @process_time int = 0 ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON insert into log_insert( log_file, log_table, rowsprocessed, log_year, log_month, log_day, log_hour, log_ip, log_svr, log_inout, inserted, process_time ) values (@log_file, @log_table, @rowsprocessed, @log_year, @log_month, @log_day, @log_hour, @log_ip, @log_svr, @log_inout, 1, @process_time ) GO -
cant connect to log server
supersam999 replied to supersam999's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
up -
Hi i made conf l2off server with PyroMaker guide and i have this error when i launch cacheD . Does anyone knows what happend , and what should I do ? Thanks very much for reply. Cheers :)
Discussion L2Off vs L2J
supersam999 replied to shaymi86's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
Hey guys i made config with pyromaker guide , when I run cacheD it says can't connect to log server -
I have same problem , I made first create and still same error, Can anyone help me with fix it?
Base Features all PvP servers should have?
supersam999 replied to sandpants's topic in General Discussion [English]
I think lower mp pots are best, only noobs are using 500 mp or higher, I'm asking what the point of using skills with brain, no spaming ? -
Hello Guys, im here to ask you who would be greateful for create forgotten Hellbound on official pack ? Im wondering to create some specific server. Just give me 6 month , say yes in comment if u agree and u will join. Some features. Server 45x with buffers 2rd proff in. Enchants 66,6 normal bless 85%- but u can get bless only when u will reach 85 lvl and u will make rebirth and, after this your lvl will be 1 and u will get for example 3 coins. For this coins you will be able to buy somthing speacial + blessed scrolls. Gm shop till b grade, a-s for farm , 3 zones . And the best thing, dynasty armors and dynasty weapons/ icarus weapons. It woudnt be easy way to get it. You will have to good organise to get this weapons. Create full pt with min, tank + bishop and dmg dealers. If you have anyother suggestion. E-mail me toruscontact@gmail.com. Create server with me. I dream for server for everyone, each who wannted for example spoil and other who wont it to place them togheter. For example 2 zones where u can spoil and where u can normal farm. I have hard nut to crack. Cheers
Does it works on HB ?
I don't get it , could you explain me ?