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Everything posted by slothmo

  1. All I can do when I look at this is lol... You'd have a better chance at getting something off the ground if you start from the L2.Net Interlude code base available at: http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/download.php (near the bottom... v231s is what you want) Making a new bot from scratch... how many times have we heard that line?
  2. And your mom is a crappy lay... what an insightful thing to say. How about some feedback on the forums instead of meaningless banter? Yes IG works on retail.
  3. No more need to create scripts to level! L2.Net now has autofighter settings in the bot options! Actively target mobs and physically attack them, or actively target and use skills (spells) via the combat settings. Actively pickup loot. Define your "box" with the bounding polygon. Still free! http://www.ltwonet.com/showthread.php?t=2225
  4. wow old thread... new site: http://www.ltwonet.com/forum.php
  5. New? lol... L2.Net has been around for over 2.5 years now... Of course it has IG... And yes it works for farming... go to the forum site and read a little bit. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised... http://www.ltwonet.com/forum.php
  6. The best way is with L2.Net imo... set it to use cp pots at below 80% cp and cp elixers at below 20% cp... then throw on greater heal pots, hp elixers and quick heal pots for good measure
  7. Restrictions on free users have been lifted! No more pop-up ads! No more min timer on skill use! No more min timer on item use! http://www.ltwonet.com/showthread.php?t=2195
  8. Never used L2.Net to spam cp pots have you? lol...
  9. And the Atlanta Braves are better than the Dallas Cowboys... What an ambiguous thing to say...
  10. Close Client kills the connection to the Lineage 2 Client. It will give some error about being disconnected after a few seconds and kick back to the login screen. You can then close it and get on with your OOG botting :p
  11. OOG is kinda iffy on Kamael Servers... For "most" L2J servers you can connect without any problems. Some tho..you need to connect using IG. Then can use the option File -> Close Client to close the real L2 window and keep the bot running. Sort of a way to switch from IG to OOG. On retail... if you try to run as OOG only... you will stay connected for 4 min tops before you get d/c. Yay for GG...
  12. lol... PS. your packet list is waaaaay out of date... I presume you aren't targeting CT1?
  13. Often faster than that :p And yes... it works on Kamael v3xx is for CT1 v2xx is for Interlude v1xx is for C4/C5 PS. The official website is http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/ and the forums can be found at http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/index.php
  14. v304b Read about it here: http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1532 Trust me, you'll be glad you did.
  15. New v303b out today. Fixes several bugs. And r3nzoku don't be an r-tard and follow the guide: http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=451
  16. Donate 50k USD to me and I'll give you the source. And I'm not aware of any open source bots. Seriously... it's not that hard to make a bot. It's just a tcptunnel with some extra gui features and the ability to inject packets. Might I suggest you go to the nearest Barnes and Nobles and pick up a copy of "teach yourself c++ in 24 hours" then get started. That will get you the source to a bot faster than begging.
  17. You might have extracted the files in the wrong spot. It should look something like this when extracted: Also, there was a rather major bug with login on single core systems that was fixed in v75a. Try updating?
  18. It does on some :p If they havent changed the token, or you have the token and they havent changed any of the other encryption thingies
  19. You need the datafiles as well as the exe... As for speed... I can always download at like 500~600kbps from it :O Just be glad the data files dont change that often so you don't have to worry about downloading it over and over lol...
  20. Click the OOG button to start it up as a "stand-alone" bot like OOG walker or wind. Just I wouldn't suggest it on the retail server (it may not even login actually) In the next version I'm going to add babelfish translated Greek. If you wanna check the accuracy afterwards that would be great ^^
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