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About Bartudi2

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    D8 Systems Developer

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  1. pack which u sell is worthless anyway... without any fixes and stuff + backdoors which i added against resellers. In D9 there will be auth system so sharing will be impossible :)
  2. its bullshit, Sakalu is cousin of mine friend who paid me money for every change... u had 4 devs? u had 0 my dear.
  3. I do not gave him rights to sell pack using D8 System, Matim please close this thread.
  4. consider selling source or just improve your files... otherwise you wont get any customers 250 euro... come on :)
  5. hehe yeah he's funny ;P haha, yeah. thought he's joking but he wrote me private message with this same question :D
  6. TheRock is my friend, i dont know what he do :P I`ll talk with him about it ;D
  7. if he scammed treat him as scammer.... just report scam to paypal, they will lock his account till you will solve the problem.
  8. there's no pending period on paypal
  9. get rin4a npc scheme buffer for free... and fix unclosed connections, its not that hard
  10. Kino means in polish Cinema ;P
  11. At this moment i should be envious like you @ my post few months ago but i wish you good luck. How Kino Event works exactly?
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