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Everything posted by lampros90

  1. Can any help me adapt this for l2jfrozen? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184921-balancer-for-acis/ Thnks :)
  2. File ayto mono me code pou den nomizw na exei kanei kaneis share
  3. Kalispera paidia Molis teleiwsa ena Npc Kai tha ithela na to myrastw mazi sas :) Download : http://www.4shared.com/rar/_ZFCBnnI/Top_Pvp_Pk.html? Photos : Ta colours ta afisa prasina esis valte oti thelete analogos me to xrwma pou dini sta pvp sas kai sta pk sas :) Elpizw na voithisa estw kai ena!!! Ta credits pane se mena oute c/p oute tpt :) Edw einai merika imports se periptwsei poy thelete na to valete se allo pack epeidi einai gia frozen : import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.sf.l2j.br import L2DatabaseFactory from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest import sys from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jfree.br import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
  4. Kalispera paidia ean mporei kapoios na me voithisi epidi diskolevome na peraso codes!!!! Eyxaristw poly ek ton proteron an mporite stilte mou to skype se pm :)
  5. Good share my friend :)
  6. to energopoiises apo ta config????
  7. se ti pack piges na to perasis???Mipws iparxi idi o kodikos i kati tha ekanes lathos :)
  8. Paidia kalispera sas kai pali (3erw oti anafero polla provlimata alla mathenw opws kathe new) :P Epidi exw kanei delete katalathos merika arxia txt apo toserver (ton arxikwn npc tou frozen k merika alla).... Gia na mn ta poly logo tha ithela na mou pite pws tha kanw update tin idia ekdosi apla na mpoun oti lipoyn mesa...!!! Epidi sta Gameserver.bat mou exei merika not found k tetoia an mporite na me voithisete eycxaristw ek ton proterwn!!!
  9. Re paidia 3erei kanis pws mporw na kanw na kolane ta active????(ton Augment)
  10. Kalispera se olous..Ithela na mirastw mazi sas ayto to env.int Epeidi ola ta link ine delete...!!! :) Periexi omorfa Glows Sta Wepons kai otan eisai Hero analogos me to Enchant tou weapon einai kai i Aura sou :) *Gia photos twra den eixa xrono na valw e3alou den ine kati terastio gia na to testarete :) Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/8Qjr2q6z/env_glow_hero.html? Den einai kati simantiko apla mporei poly na mn 3erete na to ftiaxete :)
  11. Mpori kapoios na Lock eyxaristo poli paidia gia ti voithia sas :)
  12. Parte to Hedix( APOKOPI KANTO) kai kanto Epikolisi edw C:\Server\gameserver\config
  13. Prepei na kaneis APOKOPI oxi antigrafi to Hedix kai na to valis edw C:\Server\gameserver\config
  14. Pwpw entaxi to vrikes paidia lock lithike to thema!!!
  15. Kai pws tha valw button sti buffer na pigenei ekei ti action na valw? :/
  16. Re file ti hacker ti les???Pou kolaei to hack me ayto pou lew???
  17. File mou xdem Epidi den thelw na kathome na lew vlakies to Pack to anevasa giati to ithele i fili mou i Rosalie na to dei kai afou eida ayto to topic eipa na voithisw to paidi...Den exw perasei Java codes oute tipota mono dika mou Npc.Exei kai mesa ena backup tis navicat...
  18. backdoor??Exei edw ena kalo quide an enoeis ayto http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=201316.0
  19. Oxi ta bug iparxoun einai sto idio Rar
  20. File exw anevasei auto to pack me ta source tou me to teleyteo rev tou frozen dika mou Npc http://www.4shared.com/rar/NEyC94GB/server_l2j_frozen__source_rev_.html? Gia perisoteres plirofories stile mou minima
  21. diladi ena Htm ftiaxnw pou tha kanei action=? Den prepei na iparxi Sceme Buffs???Gia na to entopizi na ta aknei???
  22. Paidia kalispera Mporeite na mou pite pou mporw na vrw Button Gia tin Buffer mou na exei Sceme Buffs (Gia Interlude) Exw psaxi olo to Forum Alla ola pou vlepw einai delete dioti einai epoxis 2009-2010 kai den mporw na vrw me tpt...!! :-[ An kapoios mpori na me voithisei estw kai enas!!!Eyxaristw ek ton proterwn :)
  23. Kanonika Iprepe na iparxi ena Section mono gia help!!!:) Tespa tha pezame gt oxi..
  24. Tha se dextw file mou me megali mou xara!!!!
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