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Everything posted by vilor

  1. nice and i wanted an older version this days :)
  2. you r correct...no update happened in walker or client (talking before thusday's update ) the verification was local (atleast thats the idea with the virtual nic) so what happened? the rumors about ports and ips cant be correct because walker didnt connect to net, so what changed? many years now i think that ncsoft built walker or at least bought it down the road...l2 would not have even the half number of accounts that now has (if not closed) if the walker didnt existed. (thats why there is not botting ban - and banning 5 ppl per month its a joke). the new policy is: let simple gamers bot so they continue paying us, but MAKE them pay us for that. Ban all of them who are buying adena in order to "force" everyone to bot for their adena. leave a "hole" into the walker, so everyone can get a taste of walker and starts using it. after a month make it stop (as if it was programmed or a demo feature) so everyone will go buy timecards for walker = more money for nc..tax free also... you thing that the timing is coincidence? they opened server transfers (money to reactivate accounts + more money to transfer players) ppl though oh its nice i can bot free lets open my accounts again... and after the 2 week of server transfers walker went dead. even after thusdays update that gameguard detects walker you think that ppl that are paying for walker cant bot? a friend of mine half an hour ago logged normally with his IG walker, no gameguard error but he has a timecard for walker here in greece we say:"to many coincidences are no more coincidences" p.s sorry for bad english...
  3. same here, today verification failed (that in my mind says that its was not a mistake that class c local ip pass the verification but a predermined plan...that includes server transfers from nc...)
  4. i had this problem in 1 pc... paste tcptunnel.exe in c:/ press start --> run--> cmd press enter in the black window type cd.. 2 times or until you get c:\> only type tcptunnel if it runs and gives info for the various settings that supports you did something wrong in the steps of the guide if it doesnt run saying something access denied or you dont have enough privileges you need to login as administrator if you have admin rights and you cant run it then you windows has lost some settings about provilages and i would suggest to repair them or format :(
  5. the IG is not working.. if i understand correct we make a fake nic with ip and everything that goes to l2 servers we send it to that ip/fake network card (the host file edit) ...but after that what? shouldnt we make another step? something that tells the fake nic to fordward something? and the forward batch...ok everything that is local on port 2106 we send it on port 2106 of the internet ip (i guess its the ip for l2 or walker - to busy to make a search now....) but from what nic? maybe it should be local host my guess is that this settings work for a usb modem...if you have a router where an actual nic is in place and forwards all you net traffic is more compliacated....i dont know maybe the fake nic must have as default gateway the real one i will try some things and post back, anyone with more info/ network knowledge could help here edit1: ok forget the local host the tcptunnel dosnt support that switch
  6. having done some extra testing with ig... first of all no host file changed (even the chinese site didnt say anything about it but neither did the uploader) i put the 2 files inside the walker folder, i run the crak.exe opens a small window (that in the title bar says that is for OOG but we will discuss about that later), i press the start windows and i leave open the crack, the l2 walker starts (1.92 IG), i press the run button and l2 starts. so far good and nothing strange almost.....no net activity produced from walker or the crack..... I login, i press the home button and walker settings appear. In the fist page, where you press start/stop the combat and the auto fun, has also the verify info where it says verify fail has a button "REVERIFY" and below has some unreadable chars explaining, i guess, the reason why it failed. The unreadable char could be because i have greek windows in that machene but probably is because the info is in korean or chinese i dont know... now even when i press the start button or i press the REveirify no internet activity is produced even now.... if i enter fake register info and press the query button only then the walker ask to connect to the internet and the ip is tha same no matter if i have start it with the crack... so my thoughts are you must have the host file to redirect the walker to the crack and probably to enter some fake infos to the register fields, because the new walker doesnt even start the authenticate thing if the fields arent filed (sorry for my bad english ...) i would like the ppl that say it works especially with the IG version to say more infos how they made it work ...ty
  7. i tried it also with ig 1.92 and verify failed .....maybe needs the classic ips in host file.. i translated the page and says only for OOG walker the window that opens when you run the crack says that is crack for oog 10.9 version if someone is willing to test with OOG feel free i wont....after all i need ig walker not oog i will try playing with host file also and report back
  8. to 1.92 den einai version gia kamael? to l2asrv sou diladi spaei to 1.92? me autin tin ligiki kanei k gia official kamel? borei kapios na kani verify? edit : 1.79 walker exi mesa to arxeio sou ara einai gia interlude opos les....an thes allazis to 1.92 pou exeis grapsei
  9. 1102
  10. just a note for the IG version, i used the bnb IG and works fine...
  11. i 7600gt 256mb einai poli kaliteri apo 7600gs 512mb....den pezei rolo mono i mnimi tis vga alla i gpu pio poli kai gs= komeni kai ipoxronismeni gt vevaia i gs einia ftinoteri apo gt an einai na paris gs kalitera pare ati X1600PRO 512MB (i akoma kalitera mia x1650) opote exis kai 512mb mnimis allios pigene gia gt kai as exei 256.... a kai makria apo 7800gs/7900gs (apli version)apodidei to a idia me tin gt idika se 1 sistima san to diko sou oso oafora tin 7800gs pou protinei o killer prgamati einai top (einai 7900 stin pragmatikotita me full ta pipelines) alla den aksizei na dosis tosa lefta an thes na dapaniseis extra money se sxesi me mia 7600gt pigene gia ati x1950pro i kaliteri agp karta pleon me poli kali timi kiolas...tora to pou tin vriskeis sto elladistan einai allo thema afou molis bgike....
  12. xm ego thelo na rotiso kati allo kseroume ti akrivos tropopoiei to msvcr71.exe kai ti to host.exe- kala to host os ena vathmo fenetai to thema einai oti auta einai.exe .....kanenas hardcore tropos (xeirokinitos dld) na kanoume tis allages pou kanoun ta arxeia xoris na trexoume 1 ksero .exe iparxei?
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