at least a pack that is close to retail...
Don't tell me that there is no such thing cause i have seen server that close to retail with Java packs but the don't sell their pack or they sell it for a high amount of euros..
I am not trying to find a pack that's 100% retail like with all bugs fixed (i will never find that i know)...
I am trying to find a paid active project which is already have the most major bugs fixed and have a good support that aims to reach retail.
Romanians have some good l2j packs but i can't get in touch with them cause i don't know a bit of Romanian.
I have received a couple of PMs regarding me retail like java packs.
They told me that they resell the pack and they bought it for more than 200e and such things...but when i ask for a test server with gm access i get no answer so i take those messages as scam attempts...