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  1. where is the red line svn? and timeline?
  2. o kalyteros server einai enas oti kai na lete.OFFICIAL
  3. Kaneis l2j server den tha kleisei pote an plhrei tous kanones. Oxi donate oxi client modding File mou haris50 se piasan adiabasto.Katarxas o official exei balei 50 gm developers kai ftiaxnoune ta sources gia l2j apo to site www.l2jserver.com {Einai down gia update se kamael}. Me tous privet server en merei kleboume ton official alla mhn ksexnas oti sthn java den ginete na ta kaneis ola retail.Kai den sikonei polla atoma,gt os gnoston allo java allo ANSI {Ansi=l2off retail official pack}.Epipleon sthn java den mporeis na ta kaneis ola teleia.Ara to mono pou kaneis einai diafimish ston official.Exo server edo kai 5 xronia.Me 600+ atoma.Pezo omos official.Gt exo ksenerosei pia. Tora O l2off einai paranomos gt kapoi administrator tou official pou einai kai sto ragezone exoune boutiksei kapia prototoipa files apo to pc server tou official kai ta dianemoune dorean.
  4. where is killer pack? To see it? Maybe the java is kamael korean
  5. Stop now.L2j is legal and i have ask developer from ncsoft. But NOT DONATES NOT CLIENT MODDING
  6. Epidh gnorizo filo gm ston official apo agglia sto londino mou exei pei to ekeis. O official tha kinhgouse tous l2j an kai mono an eixane donates/client modding/kai syndiasmo arxeion java k off.Apo thn allh den tous kleinei gt tou kanoune diafhmhsh.Kai opos kserete to www.l2jserver.com einai tou official kai epeithdes kanei bugs oste na mhn ftiaxnonte eukola.Me auto ton tropo se anagkazei h na exei bugarismeno l2j h na pliroseis ncsoft gia l2off.H na pekseis official
  7. Katarxas o C5 Niobe htan dikos mou.Kai ta eixa fix ola.Tora pou efyga kai ton kanane l2j free Interlude tha breite polla bug oso afora ta buff. Castong speed magos me dragonic= 2000
  8. So noobs.Hlapex protect is in login and game server java.
  9. C5 Files shared from NCSOFT After 11th April
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  12. L2 OFF server fixed with C++ ,need 8+ gb ram for many players.For addons you need fix again the .exe files and other txt. L2j is only with java.Many bugs because in one java server is very hard to fix the best pack.
  13. L2NIOBE O kalyteros kai c6. 100mb grammh kai einai 100% ellhnikos.
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