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Everything posted by Gamer-l2
Toumpa se 2 writses PinaePple k astous na lene
to xorto pou pineis einai mapa enw autounou AA :P
oti exei sxesi me galifianaki Hangover Due Date
otan pigaina k egw kapote sxoleio (prin polla polla polla polla xronia) apofasisame na kanoume katalipsi (mettarythmisi arseni an thymate kaneis i an zouse tote :P) k epeidi den eixame ti na kanoume petaksame ola ta thraneia apo ton 2o orofo perasan arketoi mines k den egine tpt den zitisan tpt oi kathigites oute anaferan kati tin epomeni xronnia opios goneas pigene na grapsei to paidaki tou (ennoeite oxi stin 1h gymnasiou) plirwne k enan pentoxiliaro extradaki gia ta kainouria thraneia alla ontws mporei na se paei dikastika gia katastrofi dimosias periousias (analoga ton dieuthinti opws proeipe o Weird)
[Discussion]A+ quality private servers
Gamer-l2 replied to freshasfruit's topic in General Discussion [English]
Well since everyone (and i mean everyone) can create a server that makes hard for all of us to find a proper server cause simply u have to check 200 servers (at least) so u can find 1 good most of the players those days leaving servers too easy (low population/farm more than 2 days to be max/enchanting lower than 80%) most players r QQing about everything (why u have max +x,why u have that currency,why i broke my weap,why i cant kill the whole server,why......why....why) most players make uncomplete suggestions (plz make oly balanced,wipe the server cause i droped my AQ,raise the enchant rate i cant get more than +20 in the 2nd try,nerf that,boost that,etc etc etc) mosts players wants active gms/admins/Devs and everyone QQing why the server has donations most players wants a balanced server but no one wants his class to be nerfed/fixed most players wants a proper server but no one can make a complete suggestion for a servers setup so if un not one from them im sure u can find a proper server (not that easy i agree) or at least a Decent one to go and have some fun only problem is what u request from a server :D -
maybe u should change too :D
koita egw pisteuw oti ola einai thema goustou k tpt allo se kapious pektes aresei to interlude se kapious to epiloque se kapious to freya k paei legontas se merikous aresoun ta starwars max enchants se kapious ta +12 k paei pali legontas uparxoun fusika k ta standars opws oloi theloun balanced server.....pes mou enan apoluta balanced server.... oloi theloun server pou na min exei trela donations i an ginete katholou......pios tha katsei na kanei enan server tis prokopis ennoeite k den tha valei donations?(an exeis kanenan pou thelei apla tin doksa tou oti exei kalo server k diathetei ta leuta pes mas k emas :D ) oloi theloume populated servers alla pws na ginei populated enas server otan o kathenas mas mpenei mesa tou aresei o server k feugei epeidi exei mono 100 atoma? k genika emeis oi ellines (kuriws) eimaste "psagmenoi" stis epiloges mas to ena mas vromaei to allo mas ksinizei an katseis k kaneis ena topic k rwtiseis ti tha thelate na exei enas pvp server tha katalaveis oti yparxoun toses polles apopseis pou den yparxei periptwsi na mporeiseis na valeis to 1/15 apo autes se enan k monadiko server....... opote apopsi mou einai oti yparxoun poloi servers ekei eksw pou o kathenas apo emas tha tou arese na peksei apla eimaste poly "idiotropoi" stis epiloges mas giauto k den vriskoume kanenan swsto server :P sry gia to megalo post :D
well thats the way i think too thats why u got the positive comment dude :D keep up the good work
Epic Clans (at least in the servers i was) Awakening Blazers BornToKill BrawL Stigma Protectors Meow DragonFly Thundercats NoobsUnited Back2Business BeyondControl Gladiators Fatality
u need glasses?
cool owner
Περι L2j, L2off, ram και internet line
Gamer-l2 replied to Astald's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
dld theleis na mou peis oti an sou skasw egw ta lefta gia na mou kaneis ena project esy den tha to kaneis kalo k tha xalaseis tin "fimi" sou giauto? e tote den eisai Dev eisai apla enas gasmas (paradeigma ethesa esena min to pareis strava) to provlima einai oti an o Dev einai k owner panta ma panta tha kanei oti tou katevei sto kefali xwris na rwtisei kanenan (toulaxiston sto 90% twn periptwsewn) diki mou kathara apopsi einai oti o Dev o Owner k o Head Gm prepei na einai o kathenas gia tin douleia tou exeis dikio oti me ena pososto o Dev isws na kanei kaluteri douleia alla gia na parei pososto o Dev prepei na aksizei kiolas na mou apodeiksei oti kati prototypo tha mou prosferei thewrw oti o relapse eitan enas apo tous kaluterous server se features/balance/stability alla eitan o xeiroteros server se corruption gmsupport k meta apo kapoia stigmi k support (nai gia sena milaw :P) to thema einai oti gia na ginei enas epituximenos server prepei olo to Team na einai swsto oxi apla o dev i o owner panta auti einai i diki mou apopsi k den thewrw oti prepei esy na tin symmeristeis i na exeis antitheti gnwmi to thema einai oti oi pio polloi Dev tin exoun dei kapws k tpt allo -
Περι L2j, L2off, ram και internet line
Gamer-l2 replied to Astald's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
loipon issle epeidi diafwnw me to sig sou prwta apo ola k esy nomizes oti eisai great lineage 2 player pou to gurises se developer 2on dld prepei na eisai Dev gia na kaneis enan l2server alliws eisai apotuximenos?eleoc kserw oti oi idees sou einai "protopwriakes" gia to l2 k mporeis na ta kaneis monos sou alla skepsou oti uparxoun dekades atoma me idees kaluteres i isaksies apo tis dikes sou alla den kseroun apo code giati na min proslavoun kapion na to kanei giautous? -
Gamer-l2 replied to vagos123's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
se periptwsi pou mpleksei lew...... -
Gamer-l2 replied to vagos123's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
apla frontise to keimeno sta donations na einai ok k ola ta alla einai eukola akoma k na se valoun sto mati (pou xlwmo to kovw) mporeis na pas se enan dikigoro me to keimeno apo ta donations (egw o xxxnoobxxx epithymw na kanw donation sto xxxserverxxx k den epithymw tpt se antalagam bla bla bla bla) opws episi k to oti esy dineis items k kala san euxaristio epeidi ekane donate me 200 euroulakia tha sou kanei douleia k episis mynisi se opion prospathisei na se kleisei....tin eixe patisei etsi enas "filos" k vrike akri me ton dikigoro :P -
[HELP]Πώς να αλλάξω τα price στα GM-Shop?
Gamer-l2 replied to Hephaestus's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
l2jdb.com and den niwtheis na vriskeis monos sou ta ids apo ta items i otidipote allo (k gw to idio ekana :P ) -
anyone can "bugg" the online counter easy and simple...... most of the servers i know they have 200 ppl on and the counter says 500-800 :P
too hard for a newbie to reach "top" players isnt the same owner with divinity?
1)allakse othoni lol 2)egw lew ti kanoun oi perrisoteroi :P 3) k einai k pio aksiopisto apo to na prostheseis kati
exw peksei apo c4 k meta ola ta chronicles kathe update eixe k tis idieterotites tou opote den mporeis na peis pio chronicle einai to kalytero gia mena interlude k hellbound (xwris kamalol-attributes) einai ta kalutera alla skepsou auto pou les oti enas custom server C4 tha exei poly kosmo einai san na zitas apo enan apo kapion na peksei se palio ilektroniko pac-man i tetris me kainouria features den tha itan kalutero na tou dwseis to ena pac-man me kainouria grafika se PsP k oso to dynato pio aplo gameplay? auto prospathoume na kanoume emeis exoume enan freya server k kanoume remove ta kyriotera features meta to interlude (kamael/certifications/forts) alla episis kratame kapoia pou aksizoun (dynasty/vepser armors/augmsystem k den sumazeyete) gt na pezw me grafika interlude enw mporw na peksw me freya? gt na valw ena swro custom armors enw mporw na exw tis gnisies? gt apla na min kanw remove auta pou den goustarw se ena kainourio chronicle k na valw ena swro se ena palio? to gameplay to kathorizeis esy k oxi to client....doksa sy o theos yparxoun arketoi Dev pou mporoun na sou ftiaksoun otidipote theleis stis meres mas tespa o kathenas exei tin gnwmi tou k einai sevasti :P
otan eimoun mikros eimoun arxigos twn proskopwn k me fwnazan oloi Hulk auto metraei? ??? ???
after the few months u will wipe it again or what? wtever good luck with ur server dude have fun
didnt noticed u at pwnage tho u can get online and test it even at closed beta phase...... :P
then u need to change ur "server checker" u have in ur avatar.....