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Everything posted by Gamer-l2

  1. xa xa xa xa vsk se opoio meros k na to kaneis an yparxei trivi apo rouxa papoutsia mplouzes tha xalasei to tattoo opws k sto simeio pou theleis na to kaneis tha exei trivi me ta manikia apo poukamisa mplouzes mpoufan ktl ktl
  2. xa xa xa xa vsk se opoio meros k na to kaneis an yparxei trivi apo rouxa papoutsia mplouzes tha xalasei to tattoo opws k sto simeio pou theleis na to kaneis tha exei trivi me ta manikia apo poukamisa mplouzes mpoufan ktl ktl
  3. its a good server,i dont believe it has 1k (i logged several times yesterday) but it has like 700 for sure :D
  4. its a good server,i dont believe it has 1k (i logged several times yesterday) but it has like 700 for sure :D
  5. Admin Team aint the same but they all played on old pwnage/refused nitrozik stoped Coding private servers :P
  6. 1on ama theleis yparxoun xiliades symvola/grammata (kinezika/got8ika/aiguptiaka) pou mporeis na kaneis k kaneis na min katalavei oti leei G13 2on bepanthol egguisi kanei 5.80 k einai arketi gia 200 tetoia mikra tattoo 3on sto simeio pou tha to kaneis k se 60 xronia tha einai sxedon to idio (ektos an lapadiaseis toso polu) 4on an sevese ton euato sou kanto japanese style (anaglufo) kostizei kati parapanw alla aksizei 5on uparxoun 200 malakes pou tha sou poun ti na kaneis k ti oxi an thes kati pm me na sou pw ti akrivws thelei (4 tattoo exw k ta 2 einai sta xeria) 6on min valeis entona xrwmata opws to prasino kalutera kane miksi 2 i 3 xrwmatwn (vgenei poly entypwsiako) k opwsdipote oxi aspro 7on etoimasou gia polyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ponooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (pies kammia 10ria retsinoules prin gia na strwseis i stin xeiroteri 3 norgesic) 8on pare tin velona gia enthymio
  7. it has nothing to do with balancing my friend we want the server to be Hellbound like (kamaels was doing nothing in the 90% of the servers) we just kept some features from Freya that can improve the game.. and one simple Question did u met any server with "proper" balance at that race?
  8. Thanks :)
  9. mou thymizeis tin istoria tis patatas stin ellada alla agapite mou file uparxoun para ma para poloi pou kanizoun psou ( kwdikos ) k den eginan prezakia k an ginei kapoia A nomimopiisi typou ollandias pistepse me ta coffee-shop tha kanoun xryses douleies o prwthypourgos mas to eixe pei kapote (psema megalo opws k ta upoloipa pou lene oloi tous) alla den yparxei oute mia sto ekatomurio na ginei kati tetio ti tha kanoun oi diakinites meta kleftes tha ginoun? :D
  10. make a poll and let us vote who we want to be in that usergroup (i sell votes for weed ) P.S only from zwniana
  11. its okey for all i believe :D
  12. the best high rates clans r? just name some of them
  13. well everyone has his opinion about Oly period some ppl ask one month some ppl ask 15 days some 7 days we discussed it with closed beta testers and most of them asked for 15 days oly period (no olympiads on Siege times tho) so we made it 15 days :D
  14. yup we gonna be closed 1 day (1st april) and the next one we gonna open live
  15. its still open beta u can logg and test everything in 2 days we will give maxed items so u can have a day full of pvp and fun
  16. well its all about what u want in a server....farming its easy (not super easy but easy) most of classes r balanced (no one can balance a server perfect but we try to do our best ) dun get whats the problem with features? :) if u like kamaels/certs/attributes on lvl9 its something i can unterstand we deleted them cause we want a more hb like server with some Freya features @caccolino its still open beta we hitted 62 yesterday
  17. okz its ur opinion and i can respect that im not expecting anyone to come if he dont like the features..... flaming every server without testing it has sense? what L2inc has to do with L2Pwnage? a/w stop bullshiting get ingame test the server and come here to post ur negative comments if not u allrdy said ur opinion thxkkbb
  18. how the heck u can compare 2 diff servers? owner of pwnage its from Germany im not the owner so u can QQ allrdy who raped u at ownage and ur still buthurted?let me guess he was Greek flaming something u never tried its retarded imo but prolly its ur style or something ask someone that played pwnage/refused and ull see that 90% of the players that was there will tell u that server was one of the best so keep ur comments for any servers that u actually tested and found something wrong
  19. dude ur messed up :( owner of L2pwnage (and not ownage) was Nitrozik then he made L2Refused (as Memento) this time the owner is not the same but for sure its not binlanden u should be sure about ur flames before u post them so u can apologize ill w8 for that....
  20. Thank u,same to u when u gonna Launch ur server :)
  21. i didnt made the post and nubik logged out :S maybe some from the Mods can do it plox :)
  22. i cant say that we gonna prevent 100% DDos cause its a lie.....but we do have a real DDos protection a/w ill be glad to see u in the server :D
  23. not bad one not the best one btw why u wanna learn about it? :D
  24. svouraki exeis?
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