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About xBan1x

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  1. You got to be kidding me? If you did yet recieve any money for your work please consider the following link http://www.amazon.com/Java-For-Dummies-Barry-Burd/dp/0470371730/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1371417398&sr=8-1&keywords=Java+for+dummies
  2. I'm a newbie in Java and still lurking arround etc. but as far as it goes for PHP i can fix your latest ACM and make it run with AJAX... as it goes for security if you make file names "lallala.inc.php" and set Apache to not show ".inc" extension to any queries made even linux wget and yes wget will pull your PHP source from server(easiest way of stealing websites). AJAX is a very good thing for any website and is not used a lot since people think it's unsafe etc. But it's really just as unsafe as any other HTTP Request. The biggest addition of AJAX is that it cuts down traffic by 90% Need any help just ask :)
  3. I was thinking of adapting this code and adding a Config for the URL of the server and also the rewards ... so it won't be hardcoded... any more suggestions what should be put in configs?
  4. I saw once a sign where it said if(want L2j stable) use Linux; else use Windows; Now i can't say Windows is rubbish but you need to set virtual memory while Linux will just start using swap. Another thing is that Linux 64 bit clean with just mysql and whats needed to run the L2j will use arround 500mb of RAM while i believe Windows would use arround 1GB. So from performance view Linux are better but for unexperienced user Linux will be pain in the ass :D
  5. This way you are making everything hardcoded into the server you cannot change the colors after. I believe what most want is some config file that will allow us to easily change those colors when ever wanted :)
  6. I complied this no errors on L2j Freya Will post further updates ^^ //EDIT I was wrong by a lot 100 errors after manually inserting the patch :S Can anyone update this to Freya?
  7. Well only 1 bug i found and that was at Bayou fortress. Still it's very good GeoData thanks for sharing :)
  8. I have probem with L2 Chaos one it says it can't read the XML for images :( I have IPB 3.1.4 Any help appreciated Bani
  9. Can i ask how can i apply this to my own server. I know it's a noobie question i just started with my own server :( Thanks for help and a nice share :)
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