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About Sebartus

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  1. Hi Wanna to buy some eq(vesper)/epics or adena on scryde x55
  2. WTT 2o-30 bil or epics on l2 depserion x100 serv. PM, paypal.
  3. Hi, wts EQ on Interlude server x50 http://l2arena.net/?gclid=CNz16oqGqM4CFS0W0wod444FRw or exchange it for EQ on l2 Toxic x50 or l2 desperion Got acc Dominator nobless sub: WL77 / Archmage77 / Saggi 76 EQ: 595kk adena, Col x5, 307FA, AQ+5, Baium +5, zaken +3,draco set +3/+4, Draco bow +7 focus, draco bow +3 focus, Arcana mace +3 acu, DC set +3/+4, 33kk ancien adena, and many other C/B/A sets price 15 Euro or in exchange eq on l2 Toxic or l2 desperion priv msg. paypal
  4. Hello WTB eq on l2 toxic x50 server Vesper noble robe set Vesper noble hvy set vesper caster acu 300 ele vesper cutter focus 300 QA Baium ring Zaken earing Or any S+ eq adena - a lot of it. pw on forum or skype pawciu3.
  5. Hi Wtb adena or eq on e-global x10 Absolute server. PM pls.
  6. how much for moirai set and trickster, i can pay for transfer.
  7. Wtb vesper caster. WTB AM + acu Msg me with offer.
  8. Rly fast, recomended in 100%
  9. Trusted in 100%.
  10. Well dude, you are a scammer. U got money but you forgot to send my adena i ordered and payed for it.
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