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About maryusyca

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. thx. lol i thought the quantity like 10,25,50,100 not the word quantity nvm
  2. so how did you fixed ? cause i have the problem to
  3. .
  4. so what if is homemade? lol
  5. I want to buy host and domain.com but now i dont have enough money
  6. Server Closed for the moment
  7. http://l2tim.zxq.net/ Welcome to L2 Tim Interlude Server Server rates XP: 2000 Party XP : 500x SP: 2000 Party SP : 500x Adena: 2000 Drop/Spoil: 1 Enchant Safe +4 Max 20 (For Weapons) Max 18 (For Armors/Jewels) Normal Rate: 76% Blessed Rate: 100% Life Stone Rate: 10% Augments are stackable General Features Geodata server: new smart quality geodata & pathnode Interlude Server Added Noblesse Blessing to all players Added Anti-Buff Shield to all players (Block unwanted buffs) 6 subclasses for 1 character Custom Events (TvT , CTF, DM) Auto Learn Skills Gm Shop (with all items) Custom Shop (with special items) Global Gatekeeper (with special areas) Buffer ( with all buffs + HotSpring Flu and HotSpring Malaria ) (2 Hours duration time) Scheme buffs Buffs Buff slots 60 max 4 Hours buff time No drop at any karma value In Game Commands .ctfjoin / .ctfleave / .ctfinfo /.tvtjoin .tvtleave / .tvtinfo / .deposit / .withdraw .online / .repair Olympiad Olympiad Start Time: 18:00 pm GMT +2 Olympiad Finish Time: 00:00 pm GMT +2 Olympiad Period Time: 1 Week
  8. http://l2haotic.zxq.net/ Interlude Server start - 05/08/2011 Geodata server: new smart quality geodata & pathnode Olympiad system - starting from 18:00 - 24:00 Olympiad system - heroes are formed every 2 weeks Added Noblesse Blessing to all players Added Anti-Buff Shield to all players (Block unwanted buffs) 6 subclasses for 1 character level start is 80 XP 2000 | SP 2000 | Adena 2000 | Party XP x500 | Party SP x500 Max enchant weapon +30 rate of succes is 75%, safe till +7 Max enchant armor +30 rate of succes 80%, safe till +7 Max enchant jewels +30 rate of succes 80% , safe till +7 Blessed Scroll of Enchant: weapon - 100% - armor - 100% - jewels - 100% Augment Skill Chance - 30% Augment Skills Can Stack Now Also the reuse has been reduced and time changed to 2 hours Raid Bosses have drop from 2 to 10 Coin Gem Buffer 4 hours buff time includes 6 schemes | Max Buffs Limit - 60 Buff Slots Events: Capture the Flag, Team vs.Team, Death Match, Special event's by Admin etc. No drop at any karma value Custom items - Tattoos, Mask, Cloak (balanced stats) In Game Command`s .ctfjoin / .ctfleave / .ctfinfo /.tvtjoin .tvtleave / .tvtinfo / .deposit / .withdraw .online / .repair
  9. make a video I cant see NOTHING only ghostsi
  10. Price? o yeah I should laugh allot lineage 2 is a free project and we can adapt items with another programs maybe u need money for drogs xD
  11. What a stupid idea lolz , if I am a owner of a server and must be online all the time ,how to reset my ip =)) u must be drunk all the time to say that
  12. l2j frozen have to many bugs
  13. Do you have a picture or something?
  14. Ok man
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