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Everything posted by keelan

  1. haha, atleast he told us this: "You maybe get some message: virus detected. thats because the l2walker.exe sends the new ips to ur hosts file. so dont worry have fun and happpy botting Wink"
  2. yea rofl, i had a great times playing my bd on c1 aswell :D
  3. [DEFAULT] CountryList=Delta; DefaultCountry=1 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount=testacc DefaultPassWord=testacc [Delta] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=[01]Bartz; token= 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 these are the setting i use ;o
  4. Encrypter: we are talking about same servers rofl.
  5. rofl tryed to find c1 server on google, didnt had succes. and well, www.l2-pvpx.com is making c2 server little bit later. should be fun, playing a dagger then ^_^
  6. http://files.filefront.com//;8349359;;/ system folder. well got no idea, can changing protocol version do something like that?
  7. www.l2delta.com ID:testacc PSW:testacc
  8. as an archer you can just buy comp bow at lvl 4 and attack everything,since you got all your passives
  9. bye bye, gl & hf at real life.
  10. well, i was boting on some c4 off server with OGG, after that the server got a restarted and seems like login screens been changed. 1st it shows server select screen and after that this. and it seems to change login on OOG aswell, witch shows 07:50:26 www.nudl.net 07:50:26 Link LoginServer Succeed. 07:50:56 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. is there any way to bypass this?
  11. that server is pretty much only c1 out there. and download client from theyr provided link ;o
  12. rofl someone give him ++karma thats some nice share imo rofl at britney in my avatar.
  13. would be really great to know this exploit, bug.
  14. dosent sound like you did search. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=search2 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2220.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1203.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2205.0
  15. its most likely a pvping tactic. ;o
  16. with archer buffs, war cry and duelist spirit your pretty much just like every archer, just with higher cp/hp/p def. but using bow on gladdy would be only in extream situation, if you got rooted + got Curse of Doom on you. and i would suggest adding +5 str - 5 con dye, since skill crit rate is based on str. if your using BW or tallum heavy, your skills got about 27%chance to crit.
  17. ID: testacc psw: testacc heres account, for testing. www.l2delta.com <- Homepage
  18. good share. going to try using it on server i recently started playing on.
  19. been a while since i got oog working on someserver, so im asking for help :) [l2delta] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=654 ServerList=[01]Bartz; token = 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 im getting this error when pushing log in. 08:05:43 Link LoginServer Succeed. 08:05:47 Login LoginServer Succeed. 08:05:47 服务器[01]当前在线率:0.64%,能否登陆:能 08:05:50 Link GameServer Succeed. 08:05:50 ->Login GameServer Fail. someone got a nice answer for that?
  20. il click if you register with my refferal link :D http://1955.mafiabattle.net/index.php?r=14092
  21. havent played on l2x for a while, so got no idea :P hoped my walker will work, n shit
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