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Everything posted by LaCokaNostra

  1. Gl with your server
  2. why to play in a server with name nolife ?what you were thinking about?:S
  3. wannabe l2smiles...
  4. ffs make a f**king site :/
  5. OMG mana pots 5kk per potion no exchange for euros f.e. 2x50=100 :S we must vote reward to buy custom armor for more than 30 times Fail server
  6. OMG mana pots 5kk per potion no exchange for euros f.e. 2x50=100 :S we must vote reward to buy custom armor for more than 30 times Fail server
  7. Fix server forum with section and delete smf welcome message :S
  8. Fix server forum with section and delete smf welcome message :S
  9. the rest 1% is proffesional work
  10. the rest 1% is proffesional work
  11. 1 player name psolas rulez there propably gmchar :/ P.S fix archer range :S
  12. Dedicated?belive it ;O
  13. Server is off :/ I log realy bad features (In fact in announcments was saying write smthng here :/) and there are 2 people online me and admin r3sp3ct(what a name? :S)
  14. It has no prob.With this englishyou have better go playing Ikariam :/
  15. Maybe you hurry open the server there so many things that you could fix for example gmshop hasn't soulcrystal/crystal's/summon crystal's etc,you haven't either spawn grocery store instad of gmshop :/
  16. why 999x and no 1000x ? Anyway gl
  17. Server site dead... Someone lock it until repair..
  18. Re paidia exw ena problem me to client mia mpenw,mia mu bgazei error exw kanei 1kkkk tries exw alla3e ekatamuria fores to client reinastall apo ola exw kanei kai mia sto toso ma afhnei na logarw alla meta sto epomeno rr exw pali error mpenw kai o xaraktiras kolaei fenontai mono oi toixoi gurw gurw,o char kai ta buttons kai den borw na kuni8w cam mporw na gurisw kai na kanw zoom sto game server console mu bgazei auto to error plz help
  19. Hello all psaxnw etairia me dedicated servers 6gb ram+ me peripou 80 euro to mhna xwris setup fee h se periptwsh pu uparxei setup fee na nai 10-20 evro www.server4you.com kai tophost den mas kanun efxaristw prokatabolika
  20. give credits in files says batlezone
  21. i think you are in wrong section go to request client mods help
  22. useful bro thnx I was looking for this
  23. pww re file s agapaw eic 8eos <3 apo support leei tpt h @@?
  24. ti 8a protines gia dedicated auto pou me xalaei ein to setup ein polu akrivo :/
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