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About @Nightwish

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    L2OFF Dev

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  1. Nice share men. but the name kamikaze armor means that... its a kamikaze armor rly, let me explain myself, if i wear kamikaze light set, for example im an Archer, the set give me a good PAtk, a good Atk Speed but down my P.Def or my HP this mean be a kamikaze :D becouse you have very goods stats for Attack but you have down anothers, then you become a kamikaze warrior ;)
  2. Come and join us, you can test it to see if its a fking l2j server >:( come dnt be shy, ppl dont know about what to talk, just denigrate the post of anyone, before you talk come and join to l2gantz, test, if you dont like the server just leave it, its not my problem..im admin from 2 servers boys, one its this, the other its a spanish server with x1 rates, so if im a lier and i use ilegal programs why my another server have more than 20k of players online ? im not kidding, 20k was a top players online 2 weeks ago, of course its only a server for latin players, players who like and enjoy work hard to have the best of the best ;D i can't post the URL of the server here, but if anyone want i send you a pm with the URL. fsku nightwish
  3. why are you so sure its not l2off? becouse you never see an l2off epilogue pack? or becouse your are so obstinate and don't belive l2off EP pack exist?
  4. hahahaha bro, ilegal its if use a dvamp core that i find on internet, but not happend with us, we buy a dvamp from ppl who sell with autorization and all that shit, if you don't know it, no means that no exist, all guys use l2j, becouse? becouse l2j packs its a virus in all internet, why people can just download a simple l2off server from internet? becouse a good l2off server must be buy from ppl who work on that, let me say this, if i was a guy who work on a l2off project, you think i will upload to internet for ppl download?
  5. Shopping zone or merchants its only Mithril Mines, the only city where you find the GmShops, and noup, make it at home, hosted and edited on italy :) server re-open again. we was a server with rates x1. thats why you dont see no one selling or buying Edit: The delays you experimented its becouse the buffers, every buffer works for himself, not a simple buffer or a buffer you see in another server, its a special buffer created for l2gantz.
  6. O_o pure custom l2off dvamp :), we dont use l2j, maybe is good but not for us. you can't change lg ig, in a few days we upload a new system with english lg edited.
  7. Besides of the classic changes in Epilogue server, we have many more changes, are detailed below: [ Server Machine ] * Core i5 * Asus p7h57d v Evo 2 * 16gb RAM DDR 3 1333Mhz * 1 HDD of 1 Terabyte of 64MB buffer (Raptor) * 1 HDD of 500 Gb [ Server Features ] - We are an Epilogue L2OFF. [ L2Gantz ] [-Xp 30 | Sp 30 | Adena 30 | Drop 1-] ######################[ INFO ]###################### [ INFO ABOUT SKILLS AND COMMANDS ] - Epilogue Skills. - Hero Skills working. - Time of Buff: Buff, Song and Dance 2h - Cov, Earth Chant, War Chant, Magnus' Chant last 30 min. - Prophecies: Wind, Fire, Water last 30 min. - 20 slot Buff +12 Song or Dance Slots, +4 (Divine Inspirations). - Commands faiths to be worn by players. - [.nokarma, Remove all karma, you need 6 gold bar to use it] - [.res, When you die, while on the ground,targetes you and you can revive yourself, need 5 gb to use it] - [.cancel, removes all your Buff] - [.shieldon / shieldoff, Protects against Buff / Debuff (GriefBuff Protection)] - [.pmoff, Block all private messages. to enable or disable write. pmoff] - [.deposit, Change 1kkk Adena for 1 Gold Bar] - [.Withdraw, Change 1 Gold Bar by Adena 1kkk] - Mana Potion (In L2Gantz Mana Potion heal 300 MP) [ INFO ABOUT CLASS AND PROFESSIONS ] - All Professions are balanced - The wizards critics were reduced by 15%. - 3 Subclass available. - Change of 1 / 2 ° and 3 ° Professions in Mithril with Ancient Master. - The SubClass is FREE, you do not need Quest, the noblesse is with Quest. [ INFO ABOUT CLANS ] - Clan System, Levels of Clan, Clan Skills and Rankings (lvl 1 to lvl 11) - Territory War Running 100%. - Sieges Running 100%. - Fortress Operating at 100%. - Academy and clan reputation points. [ INFO ABOUT ITEMS/NPC ] - Epic GM Shop (located in 2 places, Gondor Tower and Antharas Heart). - Global Custom GateKeeper. - 3 GmShop (Misc Shop, Armor Shop and Weapon Shop). - 1 Black Marketeer of Mammon located in Mithril. - 1 Blacksmith of Mammon located in Mithril. - 1 GM Shop with Forgotten Scrolls, located in Mithril. - All major Grand Masters are located in Mithril. - Buffer Town in major cities with the necessary buff (even in Mithril). - Buffer Pet in major cities with the necessary buff (even in Mithril). - +6 Armor bonus only normal armor - Max enchants: [Weapons:NO LIMIT | Amor:NO LIMIT| Jewels:NO LIMIT]. - Safe Enchant +3, - Rate Enchant 50% - Mordor Weapons (Mordor Weapons have Debuff SA). - Epic Weapons (The best weapons available via Craft). - Vesper Weapons. - Vesper Set. - Vesper Noble Set. - Vesper Jewlerys. - Infernum L2Gantz Set (Armor created by Nightwish, best L2Gantz Set.available by Craft). - Celestial L2Gantz Set (Armor created by Nightwish, best L2Gantz Set.available by Craft). - Darkness L2Gantz Set (Armor created by Nightwish, best L2Gantz Set.available by Craft). - Epic Cloaks: Infernum, Celestial and Darkness (+500 PDEF | MDEF +500 ). - Epic Accesorys (Epic Archery Hat, Magical Hat Epic, Epic Rider Hat, all epic accessories with special abilities). - Epic Tokens (Item Dropped by RaidBoss of Gondor / Mordor, necessary for the creation of Armor and other accessories at the Epic Lord). - Offline Shop / Trade and Craft. [ ARMOR INFO (note:.L2Gantz Set armor has the same stats, just vary the colors of each) ] - Vesper Noble Breastplate:[sTR+2,DEX-2,PAtk/PDef +5.57%,MaxHp 541,Resistence to Sleep/Hold + 70%] - Vesper Noble Leather:[sTR+1,CON-2,DEX+1,PAtk/AtkSpeed/Mp Recovery +5.57%,MaxMp +354.1] - Vesper Noble Tunic:[iNT+1,MEN-2,WIT+1,MAtk+8.47%,CastSpeed +15%,Mp Recovery+5.57%,Resistence to Stun Attack +50%] - Celestial Heavy Breastplate:[CON+3,PAtk+15%,PDef+15%,MaxCP +1319,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Celestial Light Breastplate:[DEX+3,PAtk+17%,PDef+10%,MaxHP +1071, MaxMP+153,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Celestial Tunic:[WIT+3,MAtk+18%,CastSpeed+13%,Mp Recovery +5.57%,Resistance to Stun Attack +50%] - Infernum Heavy Breastplate:[CON+3,PAtk+15%,PDef+15%,MaxCP +1319,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Infernum Light Breastplate:[DEX+3,PAtk+17%,PDef+10%,MaxHP +1071, MaxMP+153,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Infernum Tunic:[WIT+3,MAtk+18%,CastSpeed+13%,Mp Recovery +5.57%,Resistance to Stun Attack +50%]. - Darkness Heavy Breastplate:[CON+3,PAtk+15%,PDef+15%,MaxCP +1319,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Darkness Light Breastplate:[DEX+3,PAtk+17%,PDef+10%,MaxHP +1071, MaxMP+153,Resistence to Sleep/Hold Attack +80%] - Darkness Tunic:[WIT+3,MAtk+18%,CastSpeed+13%,Mp Recovery +5.57%,Resistance to Stun Attack +50%] [ INFO ABOUT LEVEL, AREA & MOBS ] - Geodata working 100%. - Seven Sings working. - Abandoned Coal Mines (Seal Stones "Boss" Pvp Epic Area). - Cave of Trials (Seal Stones). - Forgotten Temple (Epic Boss-Custom Area). - Varka Silenos (Seal Stones-Epic-Custom Boss Area). - Ketra Orc (Epic Boss). - Maximum Level is 85, 100%. - Subclass maximum Level is 85, 100% - Skills + Status CT2.4 all Raid Bosses. - New Location: Gondor (Lvl Guards 90-Raid Boss lvl 95). - [Gondor drop:Guards (Epic Weapons, Materials] - [Gondor drop: Raid Boss (Epic Weapons, Epic Tokens] - New Location: Mordor (Mordor OrcsLvl 90-Raid Boss lvl 95). - [Mordor drop: Orcs (Mordor Weapons, Seal Stones] - [Mordor drop: Raid Boss (Mordor Weapons, Epic Tokens] - Starting Custom Level (Start with Lvl 20). - Custom Starting Zone (City of Home: Mithril). - Custom Starting Items (start with a few items you will serve to further level). www.l2gantz.com.ar Regards! L2Gantz Community.
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