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  1. Pm sent high one, till a mod fixes it.
  2. "Answer me this if an admin decide to create this system and he cant do it by himself and decide to reqruit a developer to do this work, that would be moral for you? or when devs that applying other peoples patches like color system,killing spree in pack and get paid for this work they ask they authors of that system b4 they get the money? I dont think they do. So thats moral for you? or the credits doesnt apply here because its not a team like l2j but an individual." Your not a developer, your a copy/paster. Side Note: 98% of the software on my pc i have bought in fact only 2 applications i haven't bought and that's for all 3 of the pc's in my home. I also never mentioned credits, i said point blank in "moron terms" that your a failure for trying to sell something you copy/pasted claiming you made when clearly it is not your own work. I see you working in circles trying to confuse someone and i guess my posts have seemed to confuse you quite a bit. Also i don't contribute to the community -> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224642.0 < your right, i never have. The type of work you say you make, gives all developers a bad name and it's quite sad. It's also the reason why most people hold off on releasing things period due to leechers who copy/paste and try to re-sell others work. Open source means open source, so get real and keep it open source especially if you have not made any type of modification or adaption to it other then a simple copy paste find all and replace. So while i'm to busy "getting real" how about you get busy + educated on what open source is and what it stands for. Seeing you state your selling a system, not offering a development service. Hence your remark i quoted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source Also why would i bother taking this to your pm, it couldn't be hurting your business seeing no one is buying this let alone the fact it's much more funnier watching your half witted fail reply's. I'm also far from mad i have found everything you have said overly hilarious and extremely naive. I also felt obligated to inform maxtor via facebook that this type of bullshit occurs in his forums and should be dealt with to preserve the integrity of real developers not copy/pasters.
  3. It's source to a fully coded patcher. Meaning one can supply patches to the client via a server, most games have this. 150 posts seem quite fair seeing i put the time into coding this, also it's fair seeing people with a semi high post count will actually use it and not just leech it.
  4. Quick Info: This was coded in VB.NET 2010 Using 3.5 NET. I am giving up on this solely because i don't wish to work on it at all anymore however it does fully work. There are possibly some minor bugs which i'm sure you could solve within minutes, but like i said i don't have the time nor do i care to fix them. This is around 98% completed. Whats Include: Patcher Source List Make Source Psd for the patcher Read me on how to use the status Preview (Taken from Vs): Download: [Hidden Content]
  5. So only having one post makes a posters post invalid? Or do you suffer from high immaturity? Secondly, it's very possible to steal something on open source. Open source becomes voided when a user begins to sell it. Therefor you have taken it and made it closed source. So tech if you had a brain, you stole it. Then again maybe you should ask the L2j team about the GPL/GNU statue. Thirdly, i'm far from 12 yrs old and live in my mothers basement. Ever think i buy my own software? I mean after all i'm a developer myself and i personally don't like being ripped off. Then again i have money to buy software, i assume you don't hence why you made that faulty remark. Lastly, do you even read what you put? I mean anyone with basic english skills could have read this "I dont sell the system, i just sell my time writting this and my support for it as well not the system it self, i may want 1e for my time doing this, so dont come with shits." and deemed you as a moron. I'm curious if your not selling the system why do you announce your selling the system in your main post? I mean i lol'd highly at the original post "Hi there im selling an extra alternative champion system for L2J Hi5 let me tell you more about it." Sir it looks quite clear you are trying to sell this system. Your precious time? Boy must be hard i guess god never informed developers of "cntrl+h / cntrl+f" find and replace all feature, then copy it out and throw it in a text file. Notice why it's not selling? It's because no one will buy this, infact anyone with a "1 IQ" can do this. I don't want your work as it's not really even your own work to begin with as for the fact you tell me to grow up and not be a kiddo, if i'm the child then why the hell are you selling work that is not deemed as your own work? After all in the end any real developer will tell you that it indeed makes you look like a complete scumbag. So before you reply with some gibberish non sense, i suggest highly you stop and think for a second before responding.
  6. K this is not spam, however extremely factual. You took a system which is open source and made by l2jserver, simply stole it and renamed it. broke there copyrights on there source and you turned around and attempted to sell it. Anyone with a IQ above 1 can easily copy paste and rename. You expect money for this? I highly doubt anyone would pay for this lol. And tech this is a scam seeing it's not actually your work it's l2j's "renamed" lmao. So maybe you should change "Hi there im selling an extra alternative champion system for L2J Hi5 let me tell you more about it." to "I'm selling a system i ripped from l2jserver and renamed it." Either way, gl on the system your trying to sell you "didn't actually" code.
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