i made my adena by selling and buying DP, yesterday they boosted price from 80kk to 140kk, so i earned around 30kkk in 2 hours, and its the reason of my ban, cause i shifted adena to show that i can buy lot of DP.
Ofc some trash noob got mad, cause he have 500kk, so he wrote to GM, and this idiot didnt even check logs, just ban because of having to much adena.
I wrote to DEV, he unbanned me, and admin banned me again. Dev said that he wont unban me even if there will be nothing in logs, cause Vercetti dont agree.
ITS SIMPLE, You have to much? You must pay for it!, Vercetti must have % from everything!
And Achylek, i should post screen that You gave me, when You bot at gem dragons with new bot, and noone even ban You.