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Everything posted by KruMix

  1. None ask you so don't continue like this! Its the las WARNING!!!! Thanks mate!
  2. Who ask you? 1 more time and you will be dekarmed!!!
  3. Do you want again dekarma? Get out from my topic or i will smite you again!
  4. Maybe maybe not we will see when ppl will join it .. now we just need ppl
  5. ppl will come don't worry just be patient and enjoy the server :)
  6. yea your right but for now we don`t have hopzones ...will come soon so more ppl will join
  7. Server succesfully started!! JOIN NOW! System Direct Link: Direct Link System Rapidshare: Rapid Share
  8. Good :D 2 min's till the server opening!
  9. Already the decision was taken, there will be a fresh start! New unique website with live statistics it's up! www.l2phaedra.com
  10. Oh you're right,i put wrong hour anyway now it's fixed, thanks for report. Ok, decision was maded, there will be a fresh start with WIPE!
  11. i understand your point of view some others please?
  12. Ok So this is your opinion ...some others?
  13. No I'm not Vazelos I'm like him!
  14. i think that we should have a fresh start on server but we need ppl opinions to .. so what do you think guys ?Should we have a wipe ?
  15. I like you server presentation. Good Luck bro!
  16. Without reason? You come at Demy topic and troll me, lol!
  17. Yes,you're right! :D New php site with live statistics will be available tomorrow.
  18. We will see :D Where's the problem?
  19. Hello, As I promised I returned with the grand reopening date, it will be tomorrow at 14:00 GMT +2. The server will run on the same files but with more stability. More than that there will no be WIPE. None account will not be deleted.Everything will run normally as before, only this time the server will be more stable and more established I'll be expecting you all there! Regards, The L2Phaedra Interlude Server Team
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