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About aldrique

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  1. anyone have any bot that takes the official l2 ? alguem tem algum bot que pega no l2 oficial ? Alguien tiene alguna robot que toma el funcionario l2 ?
  2. site ?
  3. @l2phanton vo te responde em portugues ja que voce é brasileiro. se eu tivese achado nao teria feito o topico cara quer ganha post,escreva alguma coisa util !
  4. ¿Quieres un L2UTX que para mí ver la textura FREYA nois por NPC Would you like a L2UTX than for me to see the texture FREYA nois by NPC
  5. not get here http://i51.tinypic.com/dnkphc.png uso o 64bits as it does to get the 64bit? here is not picking up
  6. SPANHOL: Los buenos gustaría saber cuál es el programa para encontrar los iconos que van en un NPC, y también quería saber cómo piensa frases chela en Lineage II CPN algun que, si alguien tiene este programa a Freya. INGLES Good guys like to know which program is to find the icons that go in one NPC, and also wanted to know how you think chela Lineage II phrases that in some NPCs have, if anyone has this program to Freya. Excuse my English Brazil: Bom galera gostaria de saber qual o programa que faz para achar os icones que vão em um npc,e tambem queria saber como que acha quelas frases Lineage II que em algun npcs tem,se alguem tiver este programa para Freya.
  7. I wonder if anyone has these mod Freya ! remembering that it is only for the project l2jserver Freya. I'm sorry my English. thanks Auto Events: [Team vs Team] [King of the Hill] [Capture the Flag] [bomb Fight] [Vip Team vs Team] [Zombie] [Last Man] [Deathmatch] [Kratei`s Cube] [Passive Event] [Xp Bonus] [PC Bang Points] ============== [Vote For The Server Restart] [GrandBoss respawn info] [Welcome Html - All in one] like this -> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193614.0 [.rates Command]
  8. just wanted to know the code that is white underneath the buttons
  9. I wonder if someone would have these codes,html or else it ! I apologize for my English. thanks
  10. How to delight? to not knowing as enchat?
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