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About Vaikiss

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  1. onscreen dmg doesn't seem to work altho i can't see magic criticals/heals onscreen
  2. You gonna notice AIO and think is L2J files, no is not is L2Off played on that server last year and files were same as back on RPG in Gracia Final. http://forum.l2-renewal.net
  3. it lacked features lke armors (altho it has block shields) those nice hunt and biobomb options and those "mediocore" (still easy) mutated enemies overall was expecting more stuff in free roam just like prototype 1 had
  4. meh too easy compared to prototype 1 played on higest difficulty (well insane is higest but can't use that when playing first time) completed game within half day with barely dieing couple times (against hydra and last boss cuz i was spamming claws and whipfist and he was countering them) it took so much time to get prototype 2 up and yet still it had less features , less shit
  5. its 10 pm +2 gtm
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwBK31tC5QM
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