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Everything posted by Dr.Zhivago

  1. VIDEO ΣΟΚ... ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΥ!!! «Μας πυροβολήσατε, σκοτώσατε το μέλλον των παιδιών μας, μας πουλήσατε»,
  2. seems you got your b-day today.. Happy b-day man, i wish you the best.
  3. share the source code please
  4. well, i said that mmorpg decreases the libido. And i noticed this into my self too while i was playing l2. The thing is.. you didnt tell me what you think about this. You only told me to take a break lol
  5. αυτό πάει στον x-global απ τη θεσ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6HMglUhQVs&feature=related
  6. Ποιός είπε ότι οι ανθρώπινες σχέσεις είναι εύκολες?
  7. forum is a place that ppl can share their opinion about everything relative to the topic.
  8. [GR] σου είπε κανένας παλικάρι μου ότι όταν κάνεις shares πρέπει να πηγαίνουμε απο κάτω και να γράφουμε "αχ τι χρήσιμο μικροπρόγραμμα που έκανες στο VB" ;; Σοβαρέψου.
  9. yeah lipido is the "fatness" lol. Raule is said that starting mmorpg = losing the sex drive
  10. nice you noticed the drama with ban abuses. Welcome to grisomcheaters.
  11. no prob @FallenDream Yes, this is the question and it is about all the mmorpg games, and to answer to tose who told it's not logic.. It is an theme for an exercise in a psychology uni in greece.
  12. Ok. stop been off topic now. Besides, i cant really understand what's the funny thing here.. I just made a notice. Also check this.. "It is a serius matter and I don't want to see kidden posts.." So next idiot reply is -1 karma.
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