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Everything posted by Nicolás™

  1. Looks stewie quote! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA k boss
  2. OK nice rule Plus the new rule of fanky is awesome... The developers will be happy @PS Why i am the first who has this about the deleted posts?
  3. Is there any rule which not allow the daily bump? How will i advertise my pack?
  4. I lost 100+ posts and like 10 pages on my topic Which is your logic to delete these posts? If it was spam i should be banned... with what login you did that Or some mods want just to have moderation pages.. GOOD JOB STAFF
  5. he will undestand what i mean if he see the reply :) I like to answer fast and short..
  6. so as you are a java developer, you say that you need java knowledge to make balance? ok now i can see what developer you are
  7. οι περισσότεροι του 2008-2009 για αυτο μπηκανε εδω :3
  8. και ιδια ηλικια να εχουνε ολα ειναι στον χαρακτηρα του καθενος
  9. Επίσης τέτοιου είδους συζητήσεις staff-players έπρεπε να γίνετε συχνά και όχι μετά από κάθε promo ή κάποιο fight ,καλή ώρα τώρα .
  10. λεω ψεματα wrd? εχεις ενα δικιο σε αυτο.
  11. σε κουβαλανε τα bronze
  12. βγαλτε τις μαλακιες
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