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Everything posted by UnknownX

  1. bought Xerath and Irelia poll expired lock it.
  2. is there any other way to do smartcast without holding shift?
  3. well i play everywhere but usually i go mid or top sometimes jungle and almost never bot :)
  4. Suggest me one of those with 3150 and one with 6300 i play all lanes, but most mid and top
  5. Hello i would be very thankfull if some1 could make it for free Render: Text: UnknownX and if u can Subtext: Riven Thanks in advance :)
  6. The World Championship of the Intel Extreme Masters Series is approaching fast, so we wanted to take the opportunity to talk a little bit about what’s led these teams to this epic finale in Hannover, Germany. The Intel Extreme Masters Series is one of the largest and most respected eSports leagues in the world, historically featuring only the most competitive titles in the world for huge prize pools. League of Legends is only the 6th title to ever be selected for the Intel Extreme Masters since it was established by the ESL. Each IntelEM Global Challenge pits some of the top competitors from all over the world against one another both the pride of winning and substantial prize. The 1st and 2nd place teams at each of these Global Challenges qualify for a spot at the IntelEM World Championship, a massive tournament featuring the top performers across all the events in a single season. All teams participating in a Global Challenge also earn points towards a placement on the Intel Extreme Masters leaderboard. These points are separate from the Challenger Circuit Points also awarded by these events, and are used to determine which teams advance to fill the remaining slots at Intel Extreme Masters World Championship. Source: League Of Legends The Official Brackets for IEM Hannover: Group A: CLG, Fnatic, World Elite, Dignitas, Millenium, Invictus Group B: TSM, SK, Moscow Five, Sypher, Curse, Ehome What do you guys think of these brackets? Any predictions on who will come out on top?
  7. refferal link? but still doenst change, i go to my friend to try it
  8. on the homepage i can change the location to west when im going to creat account the default option is East but i click change and nothing P.S.:Is it possible euW and NA are overcrowed and they want to send some ppl at east?
  9. ty now i have another prob cant create acc on west xd
  10. Dos anybody know how to create West account? im clicking Change region but nothing... http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/2180/lolkoi.jpg
  11. do i need differet client to play on west and different to play on east? ty
  12. Roccat Kova Plus[+] dont need other gaming gear :)
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