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Everything posted by UnknownX

  1. nai apla ta auta me tis polles diafhmiseis vgazoun spania diafimhseis me 1 lepto(p.x.:neobux) auto vgazeis 4 kathe mera
  2. [gr]gia ta leuta tou fenetai para polu kalos alla den the ftasw ta 900
  3. kapoios pou na exei android phone kai na to exei kanei root, as me kanei ena pm na rwthsw kati
  4. [gr]nai alla o dyrus evgale prwtos hp regen gia starting items kai twra pairnoun oloi to idio exei megaluterh empeiria, asxeta pou den einai kalos me riven
  5. without monitor keyboard mouse and audio
  6. [gr]re mlk exase o dyrus se ligo exei best riven na vs Hao sto stream 1 Go best riven na
  7. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=271452.0 χελπ μι
  8. auto pou eipe kai o badsystem den exw kanei cashout ta vazeis ola gia na agoraseis ref alla kai gia na kaneis recycle tous anergous refferals. kai kati allo pou exw katalavei, an enas ref den exei kanei click gia 2-3 meres mhn ton kanete recycle perimenete ligo na sigoureuteite oti einai anergos kai meta kanteton
  9. to probux to xrhsimopoiw edw kai ena mhna. xwris kefalaio sthn thelei ligo upomonh, alla otan mazepseis merikous refs arxizei na fainete diafora. anyway thelei polu kairo gia na vgazeis 2k to mhna
  10. What's the best gaiming pc that i can build with ~700euro ? link the parts
  11. pos legete to kommati sto 2:29
  12. when a team is domination in a match it doesnt mean they are very good volibear was bad even if he was fed.
  13. how you know. i didn't play very well too, but im not blaming my team even if they are noobs.
  14. shes is very weak ap carry crappy attack range maybe she is good support
  15. the decision to get a pk or not
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