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About Roflcake

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  1. Where can I find your Nwindow.dll? Would be awesome to use it :D
  2. He is already rebuilding it as we speak. I think he didn't anticipate the amount of users and the feedback.
  3. Read the previous posts guys. They are working on it, but its protected with a VMProtection with altered sigs and the lot. So be patient <3
  4. I tried google it for you, seems like it gets protected with a VMware encryption or something. Here are some umpackers (some contain virusses) http://www.google.com/search?aq=0&oq=VMPro&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=vmprotect#hl=en&expIds=25657,25907,27642,27744,27788,27868&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=vmprotect+unpacker&cp=10&qe=dm1wcm90ZWN0IA&qesig=GX5perKc7zro0NgAvCw1Jg&pkc=AFgZ2tmc9RYSgs3Y10hAN3-SVnZTAbBcMbzNzACa-vTH4pardJIf84_EOUqUQpkzDhdXxCkwhj2p8dsO8bfzidsxdfThJGd_RA&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=vmprotect+&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=4488cb887e893d25 - Thats all I can do, google like a champ :P
  5. Best. News. Of the day. Great news man! Keep it up!
  6. Happy to read this good news! Been playing on RPG manually, which is something I haven't done in over 2 years (retail) haha. Looking forward to it guys! :-)
  7. I was wondering, also posted it on the comment section on that website. I can't figure out how to set it so that my servitor will attack. Is this not supported yet for Warlocks, Element Summoners and Phantom Summoners? If it does work, could someone tell me how to set it up? Thanks <3 Avast scanned it and was clean btw. Works like a charm on my other chars, just not on a warlock atm.
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