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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. Prices will be fixed, there were mistaken, so everything will be fixed, consider that small period of online as beta. Server will start on 03/08
  2. Server is already advertised a lot, we had 308 players online recorded on G.O, though that was the beta. So the G.O will be on 03/08 as Panic decided
  3. I've never seen you trying to open a server, though, Panic ain't over we'll see who'll fail at last.
  4. Same for I brush my teeth and Zähne putzen
  5. Dear Players, after some discussion between staff, we decided to make a wipe since we had a bad start. So we're gonna be back online at 03/08/2012. Hope we gonna see you again! Regards. Consider this period which server was online as a Beta phase if you want.
  6. Being a scammer & threating a forum with DDOS attack because you got banned for scamming is something that should make everyone feel proud...Sure
  7. Yes if you go to a private school that I suggested you yes, you'll be for sure. Well German are a bit similar to Ancient Greek not to English.
  8. But you don't know english either, haha I'm just kidding, no that's not true. Indeed there are few words that exists in English & in Greek as well but that doesn't mean nothing. German has different grammar, different accent, different vocabulary, you need to use prefixes, there are many differences between English & German. They are similar to Ancient Greek, ( abit) /facepalm
  9. Πολύ, θάνατος σε όποιον το λέει. Αλλά λάθος το λες, η ημιμάθεια είναι χειρότερο της αμάθειας.
  10. Then you got plenty of time to learn by a professional teach how to communicate in German. I think my suggestion is the best available for you atm. German ain't easy to be learnt
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246273.15 Already posted.
  12. Then a private school, will be perfect, they offer special packages for ocasion like yours. Just try to visit some of them and claim prices and infos. When are you going to German and in which town/city/village? xD
  13. Well, it's hard to learn german by this way, that's why I'm suggesting you to go to a private school, you can learn to communicate only in 6 months (even less,since they got special programs), but if you want a degree then it'll take you 4 years. Don't forget that I got a degree of German Language that's why I'm saying that ;P
  14. Well I don't know if youtube will be helpful...
  15. Go to a Private School, it'll take you only 4 years max 5 (if you fail at the exams) :D
  16. Σιγά expert εσύ σιγά @MD http://www.flnews.gr/paraskinia/item/9218-%CE%B7-%CE%BD%CE%AF%CE%BA%CE%B7-%CF%88%CE%AE%CE%BD%CE%B5%CE%B9-%CE%BB%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B5%CF%81%CF%8C%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BB%CE%BF.html lol xD
  17. Εγώ ακούω το Fuel, άκουγα AC/DC πριν. Βασικά lives ακούω :Ρ Metallica - Rock In Rio 2011 Full Concert HD 720p
  18. Δεν χωράνε άλλες :(
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