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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. And you colourize these points for what? Go have some sex, it will help you to clear up your mind. Haters? Grow up. @Valve, of course wasn't Romeo the one who was ddosing mxc, it was Juliet who wants Romeo back.
  2. Alright, alright, now return to your cave.
  3. You should be thankful that you ain't permant banned for all of your karma abuses, that actually it's funny, yeah.
  4. I thought that you were a muslim and you don't believe in Karma, so sad. :(
  5. Τράβα στο στάβλο που μεγάλωσες να πεις το σόι σου χωριάτες, άφραγκε
  6. I'm sure about that, well I don't know from where he is but regarding his info anyway, mby he need a contribution to buy internet for himself too.
  7. Japanise playing with video editing good work made by the vid editor though.
  8. [GR] Δε θα σου συνιστούσα θα πάρεις ατλαντικά από τον κύριο! xD
  9. First Vote (reason): Blane, he's outcome is amazing
  10. Trusted Seller! Good luck ;)
  11. Hello there, well this is the second time that I post something here. And actually it's my second work after my Bon Jovi Wallpaper. So I was asked by a guy from Facebook, who is a football player actually to create for him a Facebook Cover. He gave me few imagies & some instructions about how he wanted the cover to be and I gave it a shot. So here is the outcome: I know that the left side is pretty empty but I didn't know what to add, also there goes the Facebook profile picture which covers a good a-beep-t of the empty space. Note that the quality and the best because I had low quality images to work with as well. Any feedback is welcome! Be friendly this is my second work using Photoshop, I still newbie on that. Kind Regards, BonJovi
  12. Your entry was considered as a troll entry and that's why it was deleted. (Well I would do the same I guess).
  13. Επίτρεψε μου να διορθώσω το dekarma αφού τον έχω ήδη dekarma γι'αυτό τον λόγο. Είναι καιρός για περαιτέρω δράση. Όσο για τις προσωπικές διαφορές σας (Zake & Pauler) βρείτε τα μεταξύ σας και μην ενοχλείτε και τους υπόλοιπους με τη διαμάχη σας.
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