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Posts posted by Akken

  1. ok listen andronix why it sucks hardly..

    The render is somehow.. i dont know how to say it doesnt suits,renders colors (from default) are like crap

    and doesnt suit with the text i believe if you change the render it will be perfect

  2. 1. Anything is shared so you did not fixed anything!!!

    2. If the admin was so interested of his server maybe he lould take 20-30 mins of his time to press the magic "SEARCH" button

    and at least to fix few of the 489339210 problems at his server...

    all are shared but since adrey has 0 knowledge i fixed them to help him what is your problem now?

  3. Andrey log on skype i fixed you Sub class Delay + Check skills on Enter

    I fixed you Multisell Enchant bug

    Fixed Phx enchant

    Fixed Phx announce pm me on skype


    Note: Cause i have lesson L2J Killer and attacker will be fixed  later

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