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Posts posted by Akken

  1. Not if you are working on it for 5 months, anyway i am seeing the error again but i cant see it in the logs files why?

    if you followed versus method well obviously the fix you applied it was not a fix but you prevent from see it on log files readd old code back.. the error isnt the exception message log, you wont fix it buy deleting the message on logs on console.. if you even delete the log of gs console you will still got the lag and the error .. it is obviously a failure of a code inside the characteraitask

  2. Rates:

    x35 XP

    x35 SP

         x35 Adena

    Safe +3

    Max +20

    Normal Scroll Rate: 70% till +6 , 55% till + 12 , 20% till 15, 10% till 16% and 8% till 20

    Blessed Scroll Rate: 75% till +6 , 60% till + 12 , 25% till 15, 15% till 16% and 10% till 20

    Divine Scroll Rate: 95% till +6 , 70% till + 12 , 35% till 15, 25% till 19% and 15% till 20





    Starting at level 20 with full d grade and 500k adenas

    Delevel is enabled

    Subclass without Quest

    Nobless: Caradines letter level 65 on shop, quest drop 100% you just got to kill barakiel and continue it at till its end

    Buffs 20+4 and 10 debuff slots



    Boosted Zones:

    Elven fortress

    It has stages, room 1 is low mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 2 is semi low mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 3 is mid mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 4 drops mats for custom armor (Stage 1 Armor: Titanium Armor)

                   room 5 drops elven scrolls (for s grade weapon s/a, nobless quest if you don't want to farm the goddes necklace and ring)

                   room 6 raidbosses (Anakim,Lilith, Doom Blade Tanatos) (Droping Raid Tokens and blessed)


    Imperial Tomb (Chaotic)

    PvP Zone Mainly for Pks also


    Mithril Mines (Droping Materials for Titanium Armor)



    Primeval Isle: Party Zone

    Party area drops mats, 15kk adena, Dino eggs for the Advanced Titanium Armor sets and 10% to drop Recipes for Titanium Armor and also T-Rex Drops Raid Tokens and Siren egg used for the Advanced Titanium Armor




    No gm shop

    There are:

    Armor shop

    Misc shop

    Unique Trader: Donation items, vote reward items, PvP items

    Weapons/Bank/Accesory shop sells S1 Grade weapons (Ancient ones with 5 raid tokens its)

    Scheme Buffer 


    Elven Scroll Trader

    And CraftShop

    About Craft Shop: You get recipes from vote reward or from Dino Isle mobs you get mats and you dont need a dwarf you craft armors from him





    Olympiad Retail like

    Bosses Retail like spawn time (Except Barakiel that has 2 hours respawn and Anakim,Lilith,Doom Blade Tanatos that have 4 hours)

    Buffs 1 hour

    Classes free (3rd class gives you 1 Book of Giants)


    Custom Armors:

    Titanium Armor (Apella texture and it is slightly better from S)

    Advanced Titanium Armor (slightly better from Titanium Armor) (Vesper Noble texture)


    Custom Weapons: 

    Phoenix Weapons (Epic weapons texture)


    Custom Shield:


    Dusk Shield

    Excellion Shield (Dynasty Shield Texture)


    Custom etc. Items:

    Vote tickets (Gained from Voting)

    Donate tickets

    Honorable coins (Gained from PvP)


    Will you play on?

  3. cause i already tested before and not working....

    well obviously cause i saw only stackoverflow and i gaved the 1st answer of google.. you got stackOverFlow on other part of the code and it has also a movement issue i guess, not sure but as i searched more is a badly rework of l2j movement system rework and this issue exist in the most l2j packs so i guess a proper movement rework will fix all those stackoverflows or general-pools errors

  4. ready pack , ready to go 


    Experience Rates:
    Exp,SP rates will be :150
    Adena rates will be: 250
    Retail like, mages 45% and fighters 55%
    Blessed works retail like, same for crystal
    About buffs, Buffs are 1 hour 
    Every character have 28+4 buff slots
    Cat/Pony buffs are 30 mins
    Blacksmith of Mammon: There you can add Special ability to your weapon and unseal s grade/a grade armors
    Gm shop: gm shop got up to A  grade armors, s armors are sealed 
    gm shop sells s grade weapons without s/a
    you can find soul crystals stage 13 in the gm shop you gotta farm some adenas in order to buy it and apply the s/a to your weapon
    Buffer: buffer have all buffs except ressists also if you die the buffer got a button (Restore Buffs) and it applied the buffs that you had before death
    D Grade traders (Casey and Sabrin) located on every town
    Andromeda: a really different style to marry try it in game
    TvT Catrina Event Manager
    TvT Event Trader: Exchange your FA for event items
    Raid Token Trader: Exchange your Raid tokens for blessed and accessories
    Ancient Adena Bank: exchange your adenas for ancient adenas in order to unseal
    Vangrath The Epic boss Manager: All grandboss status are on this NPC
    Cube the Teleporter: its a global gatekeeper (Not all zones included) 
    Crime Yeti the class manager (free classes)
    Subclass without quest 
    High level zones drop 3,5kk adena ?(boosted)
    Raid Tokens: You need them for buying blessed scrolls
    Nobless quest: hellfire oil and lunargent are located on gm shop (hellfire oil 250kk and x5 lunargent 1kkk)
    Grandboss items: About entering on raidboss zones, raid quest items are on gmshop for 10kk 
    Raid token are dropable from every boss on the map and its hard to be dropped
    Grandbosses and Raidbosses:
    All raidbosses are lvl 80, no raid curse if you hit them, all raidbosses got retail like respawn except barakiel that is 18hrs+-2random time
    Grandbosses have 18hours respawn+-4random time
    TvT like never seen before
    Players min: 2
    Players max:100
    Scrolls allowed= No
    Potions allowed=No
    Event Place Coliseum
    Buffs allowed = Only self or buffers (chars) to buff you
    Killing spree system on tvt = True
    Godlike,Unstopable Mode = True
    1st Blood Mode= True (the first kill that will be on the TvT) gives to the 1st blood killer an extra reward
    (Godlike,Killing Spree,Unstoppable) = when you got 1 of those status if you get killed your counter (kills) gets 0 again
    When you are on a killing spree you got +1 reward if someone stops your killing spree your counted kills gets 0
    those were the features pm me for price
  5. As I'd give you my secret weapon on the face, do you think I'm your fool?

    I sell the information you need, coast, money

    you think I was born yesterday?

    since your english are low, also the code must be trash or it doesnt exist at all


    also your attidute doesnt suits to a developer

  6. interesting...some informations about price?.

    not expensive but we dont give sources! unless you rly want to edit something


    Prices are about 10euros for the first 3 copies its simple but fully working faction engine without any bug between factions we just need some ideas!

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