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Posts posted by Akken

  1. Beni you probably take part of this copy-write project too, becouse for the first time in my life I see you agree with a server, so the counter arguement for you is Gtfo. 

    And for others, I cannot tell more just, if this server will open I dubt so but in case it will be alive, I wan't to tell them that guys are not from sublimity, they was probably simply players, they heard that sublimity got fair enough donations so they try their luck, so if you guys want to try this is np. But the problem is that they used Sublimity name just to get more players which is not fair. Anyway from me is a " - " have fun

    it says echo of sublimity, a copy.

  2. xp:x35 is too low ppl nowdays are boring of hard lvl up ...maybe x100 would be better

    well yea its a preview of a future server, elven fortress and custom zones are boosted, also theres no restriction on party you can have 1 lvl char and xp it with party :P

  3. This one looks fun, considering it's L2Providence, titled L2Revenge.

    Same shop system, even the scroll names were copied, I bet the Phoenix Weapons are the same aswell haha....

    well its posted to see if people gets attracted by this concept of a server :) and yea its l2providence


    also you are so noob :P you are on the team fucking troller

  4. Rates:

    x35 XP

    x35 SP

         x35 Adena

    Party xp restriction is removed you can level 1 character with party 

    Safe +3

    Max +20

    Normal Scroll Rate: 70% till +6 , 55% till + 12 , 20% till 15, 10% till 16% and 8% till 20

    Blessed Scroll Rate: 75% till +6 , 60% till + 12 , 25% till 15, 15% till 16% and 10% till 20

    Divine Scroll Rate: 95% till +6 , 70% till + 12 , 35% till 15, 25% till 19% and 15% till 20





    Starting at level 20 with full d grade and 500k adenas

    Delevel is enabled

    Subclass without Quest

    Nobless: Caradines letter level 65 on shop, quest drop 100% you just got to kill barakiel and continue it at till its end

    Buffs 20+4 and 10 debuff slots



    Boosted Zones:

    Elven fortress

    It has stages, room 1 is low mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 2 is semi low mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 3 is mid mobs (Drops adenas)

                   room 4 drops mats for custom armor (Stage 1 Armor: Titanium Armor)

                   room 5 drops elven scrolls (for s grade weapon s/a, nobless quest if you don't want to farm the goddes necklace and ring)

                   room 6 raidbosses (Anakim,Lilith, Doom Blade Tanatos) (Droping Raid Tokens and blessed)


    Imperial Tomb (Chaotic)

    PvP Zone Mainly for Pks also


    Mithril Mines (Droping Materials for Titanium Armor)



    Primeval Isle: Party Zone

    Party area drops mats, 15kk adena, Dino eggs for the Advanced Titanium Armor sets and 10% to drop Recipes for Titanium Armor and also T-Rex Drops Raid Tokens and Siren egg used for the Advanced Titanium Armor




    No gm shop

    There are:

    Armor shop

    Misc shop

    Unique Trader: Donation items, vote reward items, PvP items

    Weapons/Bank/Accesory shop sells S1 Grade weapons (Ancient ones with 5 raid tokens its)

    Scheme Buffer 


    Elven Scroll Trader

    And CraftShop

    About Craft Shop: You get recipes from vote reward or from Dino Isle mobs you get mats and you dont need a dwarf you craft armors from him





    Olympiad Retail like

    Bosses Retail like spawn time (Except Barakiel that has 2 hours respawn and Anakim,Lilith,Doom Blade Tanatos that have 4 hours)

    Buffs 1 hour

    Classes free (3rd class gives you 1 Book of Giants)


    Custom Armors:

    Titanium Armor (Apella texture and it is slightly better from S)

    Advanced Titanium Armor (slightly better from Titanium Armor) (Vesper Noble texture)


    Custom Weapons: 

    Phoenix Weapons (Epic weapons texture)


    Custom Shield:


    Dusk Shield

    Excellion Shield (Dynasty Shield Texture)


    Custom etc. Items:

    Vote tickets (Gained from Voting)

    Donate tickets

    Honorable coins (Gained from PvP)

  5. i see. one more mid rate srv with mages getting full mc.. 


    no since they cant get full buffed so the casting aint much nor the matk but they are playable and no OP i speak for the ressists values cause in some servers nukers hit for 150 dmg and mc 200 this is fixed the damages are normal, well when it is an eta for our beta you can login and test yourself

  6. Using it, i've got  much attacks and server didnt even lag, perfect support and i will continue use them also support is great whenever i need something in less than some mins it is fixed or answered


    so i guarantee for their protections 

  7. i would go for it ;)


    Buffs 20+4 and 10 debuff slots


    Just slightly to low buff amount, sound Buffs 24+4 and 10 debuff slots fair enough ;)

    well the server progress its still on development phase we tested anything on 20+4 but we will check out also the 24+4 slots how they work with the ressists how they influence custom party mob dmg on all classes etc.. we are planing to give an eta inside january but still we need opinions and we wanna see if it attract players. Well our budget its in a semi good amount and the dev team its skilled.. so lets see who would play on such a server

  8. Rates:

    x35 xp

    x35 sp

    x35 adena

    safe +3

    max +20


    Starter level 20 with full d grade and 500k adenas

    Delevel is enabled

    Boosted Zones:

    Elven fortress

    It has stages, room 1 is low mobs

                   room 2 is semi low mobs

                   room 3 is mid mobs 

    these 3 rooms are droping adenas

                   room 4 drops mats for custom armor

                   room 5 drops elven scrolls (for s grade weapon s/a, nobless quest etc)

                   room 6 raidboss with nice drops


    Imperial Tomb:

    Boosted xp and adena drops



    Primeval Isle: 

    Party area drops mats, 15kk adena, Dino eggs for the Advanced Armor sets and 10% to drop The Siren Egg (egg for the advanced Armor) also mob groups drops recipes for phoenix armors with 10% chance



    Npcs: No gm shop

    There are:

    Armor shop

    Misc shop

    Unique Trader: Donation items, vote reward items, PvP items

    Weapons/Bank/Accesory shop sells S1 Grade weapons (Ancient ones with 5 raid tokens its)

    Scheme Buffer in Giran


    And CraftShop

    About Craft Shop: You get recipes from vote reward or from Dino Isle mobs you get mats and you dont need a dwarf you craft armors from him


    Buffs 20+4 and 10 debuff slots


    Olympiad Retail like

    Bosses Retail like spawn time

    Buffs 2 hours


    Nobless with quest

    Subclass without quest

    Classes free (3rd class gives you 30kk adena amount)


    Custom Armors:

    Phoenix Armor (Titanium one, slightly better from S)

    Advanced Phoenix Armor (slightly better from Phoenix Armor) (Vesper Noble texture)


    Custom Weapons: 

    Phoenix Weapons (Epic ones)


    Custom Shield

    Dusk Shield

    Excellion Shield (Dynasty one)


    Custom ETC items

    Vote tickets

    Donate tickets

    Honorable coins


    Will you play on?

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