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About milos189

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i can beat all my pro friends ith this...very nice
  2. i was addicted 98%!!! then i started playing lineage 2...now just sometime wth fries
  3. oh, amazing...but pubmasters are classics :))
  4. i prefer l2. i cant imagine playing anything els wow got more players- that means more servers, better gameplay aion,guildwars- nobody plays it in my country
  5. Need for speed undercover 2, all other NFS are too complicated or too simple.
  6. i have some friends playing it, i tried it, but i think it is not very good game, too simple and grafic is bad too I am just used to play Lineage 2
  7. ok..i accept a little bit of spaming.... but insult? ...it was just introduction and kind a joke
  8. it wasnt refreshed...what's wrong? did i make mistake?
  9. ok, i will read it. :))
  10. fifa is better :D ....i have played fifa since i was child
  11. :D i registered today, and i am gonna be here for a long time....so prepare to die :D
  12. do not use that :D
  13. mafiaII is the beest :D ..original from czech
  14. why 3d poker?
  15. amazing photos :D
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