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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. On va parlé francais? pff... j'ai deja eu l'exam de francais. (> Are we going to talk french? pff... alrdy had my exam of french ;p)
  2. Hm and its clean xD if u want > http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=870e403f012ce8f98c3efcb475f84b8025dfc89e14f9903500c3fd71a9c6b50c-1292179325# Great share xD
  3. Cant i change my karma to adena's? ::) Would be great :D
  4. Sry only got psp9 and rlly not advanced xD
  5. Lol gonna spam everybody whos bored with that? Anyway back xD
  6. Nice one :D Anyway,, gonna study a bit ;l exam maths tomorrow :'( Afky :P
  7. Just clicked at last cause they got freaking difficult,, so wouldnt come out much more anyway Anyway afky to eat a while
  8. Finito Nub,, 102 IQ go study some more ;p
  9. I was serious at the begin... but at last i kinda clicked the best looking ones xD
  10. So you want somebody else to pay for your server...
  11. Never payed for anything online,, and wanna keep it that way xD
  12. I think he wants somebody to pay for his server, so he can be admin and support the server... but still you got to pay ;p Atleast, thats what i make up from it
  13. On most servers you are able to connect with freya on epilogue server
  14. Lots more to spam till i get donor then ;p
  15. Would prefer to get adenas instead of karma ;p 65k adena or smthng was vip or donor,, xD
  16. I quitted afther getting lv33 on low rate either, now just mid and high rates ;p
  17. Loll xD :D Doesnt look imba, but great idea! ;p
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