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Everything posted by y0unGStaR

  1. eisai se wrong section file
  2. good luck with your server it seems that im gonna be there
  3. btw if its online why i cant join?
  4. so when the server will be online?
  5. that was a failed server with too much lag only with 10 online people...most failed server i ever played
  6. i wish to keep it online..
  7. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=217626.0 there is r99 armor for c6 maybe you didnt make good search
  8. WTS CHAR ON L2 THE GAME BLADE DANCER LVL78 3RD QUEST NAME:EteRnaLChaOs Full S Grade Imperial Crusade Armor S Duals +4 Pm for price
  9. A new server has already started (27/1/2013) more infos : General Server Rates Experience: x5000 SP Experience: x3000 Party Experience: x2 Adena: x1000 Enchant Rate Safe Enchant: +7 Max Enchant: +25 Normal Scroll Rate: 75% Crystal Scroll Rate: 85% Blessed Scroll Rate: 85% Customs custom items: L2Gold weapons - Apella armor Balance work: 99% Easy Farm Lot of PvP! Olympiad System Start: 18:00 End: 00:00 Time Zone: +2 Period: 1 Week SubClass System Max SubClasses: 4 Quest: N/A Link:http://l2-aveloop.webs.com I dont have any right from server im just a player
  10. Pos Mporw Na Vrw I Na Ftia3w Faction PvP Server Thelw Oti Info Mporeite Na M Peite
  11. Want to sell my char in L2Abyssal named IeraPoStoLoS 500 pvp full top items +20 mage and fighter items passive shield on custom bow passive wild magic on custom mage weapon actives empower and shield active and passive guidance send me message here Price:25 EURO or Char full in L2Cartel
  12. megalose to gameserver.bat opws leei kai o Crystalia na leei to ERROR kai 8a mporesoume na se help..o
  13. nai alla se ka8e pack iparxei ena welcome.htm mporeis na to kaneis me opio welcome.htm 8eleis
  14. no-ip?min max protocol, fix ta ip tou server apo gameserver/config/gameserver? btw la8os section pigene sto dev help.
  15. Kalhspera MaxCheaters hr8a shmera na sas dei3w pws mporeite na kanete ena Npc me ta info pou exete sto [welcome.htm] pernoume to welcome.html apo to gameserver/data/htm to onomazoume me to npc pou 8eloume egw gia paradeigma to ekana 13034 kai to vazoume mesa sto gameserver/data/htm/default meta kanoume copy to line apo to npc to kanoume copy kai to vazoume mesa sto custom_npc save kai kleinoume meta kanoume rr ton server spawn to npc kai eimaste etoimoi! mia photo : edw mporeite na katevasete to npc [move]http://www.mediafire.com/?cdacp5vvatd2uc6[/move] Credits for welcome.htm :L2jFrozen Credits for guide : Me
  16. poly kalo kai to xreiazomai perimenw to update!
  17. pics doesnt work :/ fix pls
  18. to prob li8ike parakalw lock topic Gia osous exoun Dario pack to prob gia na stuckaroun ta actives einai gameserver/configs/mods RemoveAugment:True= no stuck, RemoveAugment:False Stuck
  19. den einai dikos mou o server aplos prospa8w na vrw to prob...
  20. den doulevei,o server einai se dario pack gia perisoteres plirofories
  21. 8a to valw kai 8a sou pw euxaristw pantws
  22. [GR]Kalhspera MxC members exw ena provlima me ton server mou den mporw na stuckarw ta actives dld kanw ena kai otan allazw weap e3afanizete ti mporw na kanw gia na stuckaroun?
  23. para poly kalo alla 8a itan kalitero na e3igouses pws to vazeis ston server
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