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Everything posted by ∽Ave∽

  1. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/ 

  2. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/ 

  3. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/

  4. Market place section - Feedback System Share / Help sections - Reputation System * * Ppl how share and help, should get +1.
  5. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/

  6. If that could only be possible on this forum :D
  7. For me, this whole Reputation System is one big mess - random +1 / -1 for stupid posts...Reputation system should be ONLY for AUTHORS who share stuff and should recive Reputation Points. If someone creates a Help topic, as author, he should be able to give Reputation Points inside his topic, as a "Thank You". End of story. But I know Maxtor can't find such "ready to use" system, so we won't see this coming any time soon...
  8. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/

  9. Well, I would love to see some action from Maxtor Topic still going...
  10. This what we were speaking about in separated topic of "Reputation System", but I guess we won't see fix for it, so...Yeah, You have to deal with it. I have -30 from retards/haterz. Maxtor won't reset this for You, so better keep on going.
  11. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/  

  12. BEST UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/ 

  13. Well, it looks like there is some kind of resctriction, so only 4 images can be loaded into connection - if You refresh the page, it will add +4 more images (keep on refreshing will cause +4 more images beeing loaded). Idk if this resctriction is IP connection or is this just PHP server config issue...
  14. UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/   

  15. UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/  

  16. Well, this is a global forum problem. Try to click "Edit" (Your first post) and simply - by even NOT doing any changes - click "Edit topic" (to save) and the images will be there up and working... Idk what is causing that problem, but console shows the: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) for imageproxy.php. To be fair tho, I think that our reports are like "voice crying in the wilderness" - no one cares...
  17. UPDATER https://mrave20.deviantart.com/gallery/ 

  18. It's not the host, I use 2 hosts + my logo has link from maxcheaters, and it doesn't load as well... I didn't changed images, but after the forum update, they started to act like that - randomly don't work... So it's not the host.
  19. Hey Does anyone else has this strange problem where images don't load? Random images on users topics don't load, instead, the image link-name is shown, like this: http://prntscr.com/hl9wci Is this forum issue or is it just me?
  20. Doesnt it work on L2JBrasil ? I know I saw it on one forum - some kind of restriction that only author can give +1 (or a beer :D) to other user for help, but on the other hand, only autr can recive rep point for sharing and such. I guess SweeTs have a good point too - there is no need for random "thank You". I guess the rep system can work standalone for only authors - ppl who create and share stuff and only at first post of the topic.
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