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Everything posted by sync007

  1. is prea bun. ha
  2. eu sunt mai newbie asa.. intrebare in legatura cu semnatura, nu reusesc sa pun si eu o imagine la contul meu, sau nu am acces?
  3. Cum a evoluat Romania nimeni nu te mai baga in seama.
  4. :happyforever: Cabron, feat. What's Up & Iony - Iarna pe val ( official single )
  5. Ca sa par un dur, mi-am facut un tatuaj cu Fuego.
  6. asa se intampla cand faci cunostinta cu Maria si Ioana.
  7. apropo daca e tot antiplictiseala, sa zic si eu ca am inceput sa joc din nou L2 si am inceput pe l2dex, care a inceput luna asta cu un nou server de GOD. Problema e ca nu cunosc pe nimeni, cred ca am imbatranit.:))
  8. Ce-i mai place omului sa faca postari nonsens, si uite asa ajungi la 2000 de posturi. hahhahahahaha
  9. can u write here your macro. TY
  10. Hy guys. i have some question about Shillien Templar, I start new server high rate Freya. Certification : haste,spirit, master fcus i have +4 str -4con.( i dunno if to put +4wit -4 int i dont want do decrease shackle land and lighting strike) I put on my focus wepon dark atribute, and enchant judgement @ dark Is a good set up with atribute dark???..... i know all ST play's with wind atrbute. if know a better setup for this char pls share it to me?
  11. hy ... one question ? U can take more than 5 dyes from one stats? u'r setup dyes is - 9 str.. is wotking? i know that maxim is five? and he mi need +Wit for casting or +Int for increase succes rate.. dunno for sure
  12. thx.. for the info.. I'll start in this night to make my clan...
  13. hy guys id like to try freya server l2easyfun x4000. Can tell me some one who played there if is balanced server. I ask that couse i made a dagger and is some issuse there.. i cand fiind back of enemy...
  14. I hate buggers....... Im tank shillien templar, and there are 2 pl same char on server i play. I think they using a bug/trick or somethink of shiled defense.... couse to put him down we was a party of 2 titans me, 2 bp, judi, and sh, and we killed very hard,. (we can killed with 2 titnas one bp and tank). I gues hi using some bug..shield defense or somethink... My que is if exists some bug ori im nuts/noobie?
  15. ty for info I'll try and post here if is wotks thanks man
  16. i make this macro #ASSIST ME. KILL HIM ---> %target when i click a target and press macro must show target name? if sow at mine dont work or isn't write corectly.
  17. no ud, no boost, wepon sword, maybe sos dunno, but titan frenzy +zealot 800 and he hit 2-3k i made one pvp with him and it last i think 1h ,, i vansh 1800 cp potion.:) he beat me because he debuff me with some blunt wepon....
  18. oki, i want to tell one more think, when i was in a party pvp: me with titan, and other party shillient templar with dager, my was tankin the dagger, and the tank hit my coleg titan with 2-3k, and he waz in frenzy+zealot, and titan hit tank with 700...800, wtf .... i think his skills are modify, i dont have other explication, I thinking quit this sever but i work 6 mounth to have full epics
  19. yes, my mistake is +4 accuracy
  20. I'll put barrier, and try to play with berseker and alaways i have g.might. On my stats when i play with cov i have 166 accuracy and 422 ccritica. rate, but with PoW i have accuracy 160 and critical rate 440, is i big defference +18 crit more and less 6 accuracy. Thanks for info ill try with berseker and put barrier ....
  21. I'll put barrier, and try to play with berseker and alaways i have g.might. On my stats when i play with cov i have 166 accuracy and 422 ccritica. rate, but with PoW i have accuracy 160 and critical rate 440, is i big defference +18 crit more and less 6 accuracy. Thanks for info ill try with berseker and put barrier ....
  22. I'll put barrier, and try to play with berseker and alaways i have g.might. On my stats when i play with cov i have 166 accuracy and 422 ccritica. rate, but with PoW i have accuracy 160 and critical rate 440, is i big defference +18 crit more and less 6 accuracy. Thanks for info ill try with berseker and put barrier ....
  23. P.s: al my gear is +16 and augumet on wepon is +1 str. and ahve dyes +4wit,-4int and +2dex -2con
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