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Everything posted by danilo10

  1. I need set my.ini for 1000+ Online. Can anyone help me about it? How cofirm the best for Server. My Server Xeon Quad Core (8 Chip, Ram 16G). max_connections=600 query_cache_size=0 table_cache=122 tmp_table_size=256M thread_cache_size=200 innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=8M innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 innodb_log_buffer_size=16M innodb_buffer_pool_size=1024M innodb_log_file_size=512M innodb_thread_concurrency=24 memlock innodb_file_per_table
  2. Thanks your help. Finally I have complete it. ALL work fine . Topic Closed plz.
  3. Can you up load picture again? I really need it. Help me plz
  4. Thanks you help ! I think i find my problem about convert TGA. If i make export L2Font-e by Unmodel. I make import all by Unreal. All file TGA show picture bad. Can you tell me convert to DDS or TGA ? Help me plz. When i convert TGA by Photoshop I convert it to 16 Bit. I can see my picture but it's black. When I convert 24 Bit or 32 Bit my picture bad. This my Unreal with TGA 16 Bit In game Lineage 2 with TGA 16 Bit: Or 24 bit and 32 Bit:
  5. I'm so tired. I make it about 4 day :'(. But it still error. Thanks you help. I think i convert DDS wrong. This is my l2tool. Where wrong. Help me plz.
  6. Thanks you help! I change it bAlpha Surface Texture true . My picture is looking same. Where is wrong ? Help me plz. Sry my bad english
  7. If i mask in Unreal. My picture is black :( . Can you tell guide me ? Help me plz . http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/32865477.jpg
  8. Thanks your help. How can i mask all logo and fonts and format TGA ? tell me plz
  9. So i convert l2font-e. First i make export by umodel. I make import by Unreal level editor and encrypt 121. But my picture is so bad. How can anyone tell me about it ? Where is wrong ? Help me plz . Sry my bad english.
  10. Sry! Because i'm so happy. :). Final looking it. Thanks your answer. But i have a problem when i finish it in Unrel. It import file.uxt but It can't Encrypt File. Can you help me ? How can you tell me encrpt it ? I make file.bat . l2encdec -e 121 L2Font-e.utx . But when i click encrypt file. It create file but error when i copy it in sy. This is warning it Sry my bad english :(
  11. Your guilde export utx. I do it like your guilde . But i'm finish everything. So i want to convert utx. How can i convert utx? Can you tell me about that ? help me plz
  12. Thanks your update. Working nice. But I have a problem about Necropolis Martyrdom about water zone. It don't get 23_22_water6 and 23_22_water7. Can anybody fix it for me ? Help me plz. <zone type="WaterZone" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-3176" maxZ="-2892"> <!-- 23_22_water1 --> <node X="112096" Y="142623" /> <node X="119232" Y="147603" /> </zone> <zone type="WaterZone" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-5498" maxZ="-3138"> <!-- 23_22_water2 --> <node X="114504" Y="132424" /> <node X="115256" Y="133176" /> </zone> <zone type="WaterZone" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-5498" maxZ="-4921"> <!-- 23_22_water3 --> <node X="115256" Y="132480" /> <node X="116672" Y="133120" /> </zone> <zone type="WaterZone" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-4780" maxZ="-3780"> <!-- 23_22_water4 --> <node X="98304" Y="138239" /> <node X="131072" Y="163839" /> </zone> <zone type="WaterZone" shape="Cuboid" minZ="-4080" maxZ="-3780"> <!-- 23_22_water5 --> <node X="117512" Y="136743" /> <node X="122009" Y="138239" /> </zone>
  13. Thanks your update. Work fine. so i want to see timeline but i can't. How do i login it ? Can you tell me about that?.
  14. Monster active when i hit a monster . Sry . my english
  15. Thanks your answer. But when i update your code. L2monster is not hit anything. :( . So i can't update like that.
  16. This is my code. INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('21161' , '21161', 'Lesser Ancient Soldier' , '0', '', '0', 'LineageMonster.medusa', '10.00', '25.00', '73', 'female', 'L2Monster', '40', '2587.00000', '1312.00000', '8.50000', '3.00000', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '23782', '2447', '1209.00000', '502.00000', '830.00000', '304.00000', '230', '4', '500', '333', '0', '0', '0', '50', '180', '1', '1', '0', '1'); INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('21183', '21183', 'Lilim Knight Commander', '0', '', '0', 'LineageMonster2.lilim_knight_10_bi', '13.00', '55.00', '72', 'male', 'L2Monster', '40', '2540.00000', '1283.00000', '8.50000', '3.00000', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '33903', '3444', '1168.00000', '492.00000', '801.00000', '298.00000', '230', '4', '0', '333', '5800', '5799', '0', '56', '190', '1', '1', '0', '1'); INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('21204', '21204', 'Nephilim Praetorian', '0', '', '0', 'LineageMonster2.nephilim_lord_10_bi', '13.00', '48.00', '72', 'male', 'L2Monster', '40', '2540.00000', '1283.00000', '8.50000', '3.00000', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '33903', '3444', '1168.00000', '492.00000', '801.00000', '298.00000', '230', '4', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '65', '190', '1', '1', '0', '1'); Hlep me plz
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