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Everything posted by LordOfTheWaR

  1. re pedia 3erete pws 8a valw ena design diko m sto unet??
  2. katarxas kalispera se olo to MxC aftw to topic to ekana gt exw paratirisi se pwla server p dn kanun vote ta pedia vazun dora gia na kanun px pws ginete wtan ftani o server se 50 px vote na pernun oloi kai ena prize mipws gnwrizi kanis?
  3. re pedia dn borw na katalavw kati gt kapia npc p katevazw apo maxcheaters m lene you are not meet the criteria ? please help me
  4. to sigekrimeno post to exw 3ana di alu ala dn pirazi i prospa8ia metrai
  5. Phoenix nice share but why i cant use this npc you are not meet the criteria what is this?
  6. 8a i8ela pwli na to dokimasw ty
  7. to post ine ena apo ta kalitera m :)
  8. Sotos thanks pwli wreo to i8ela
  9. xD kalo ala an bi kapiws 3enos ston server 8a leavari me tn mia xD :)
  10. lol pwli gamati buffer thanks
  11. file m ise kai gamw tus dev dn exw 3ana di toso wreo npc dn 3erw gt ala m aresi apira tha to valw na to dw :)
  12. kalispera sto MxC ekana to post aftw gt 8elw na me voi8isete se ena mikro provlima p exw ekana ena backup kai twra to navicat dn to vriski sto pc t filu m mono sto diko m gt ginete aftw? 3eri kanis
  13. xmm dn ine kai i top gk p exw di ala dn ine kai i teleftea wreos
  14. pws maresi na vlepw na voi8ane newbies
  15. wreos ala an ixes liges photo akoma kalitera :)
  16. pwli wreo idika etc wpos ta ekanes ta items kai fenode bravo s
  17. sta config ine bwris na ta fixed dn ine tpt diskolo
  18. gustaro 8a tis valw ston server m aftes
  19. file m to post s ine kalw wmos na rotisw kati alw? etc ine wla ta npc i mono buffer?
  20. thanks re gt kai emena aftw m evgaze twra dulevi se eyxaristw pwli
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