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Everything posted by Xanderॐ

  1. Pride Files have codes for the Instance,the only thing was missing is the XML Code that you may be sit and spawn 1 to 1 the mobs and you write them in XML,but that also worths for 20 euro...
  2. Πουστιά ήθελα και εγώ feat.. hahaha
  3. θα του κάνουμε ενα diss?
  4. Έχεις πρόβλημα φίλε...
  5. Never sold this site before,never opened a server with this Website,it always staid in previews... please get your trash out of my topic.. Jesus
  6. When i bought it,the best Designs was made from Fasart,and i hire a Web-Designer to make me a design inspired from Fasart style back then..
  7. Yeah it's old site never used mate... Long time ago,please avoid spamming in here,keep it clean.
  8. Έχεις να προτείνεις κανένα καλό πρόγραμμα για BruteForce ? Με αυτόν τον υπολογιστή θέλω να βρώ εναν κωδικό από ένα rar γύρω στα 6-12 νούμερα έχει και γράμματα και ένα κεφαλαίο,τον είχα βάλει κάποτε στην τύχη και τον είχα αποθηκευμένο στο Notepad,αλλα έκανα format και τον έχασα..
  9. Yeah,i think you are right.... So it doesn't worth,because i've used it as you said also
  10. Nice for you then,i dont think anyone asked you if you sell :)
  11. Nop,you just use the backup it add's the contacts itself and even if they didnt accept your request i THINK they still get spam messages!
  12. Selling backup of Skype contacts,related to Lineage II ... Price: 25€
  13. Preview: Picture 1: http://prntscr.com/b26r18 Picture 2: http://prntscr.com/b26rd2 Price: Contact me through pm In the price you get: PSD,Website Files(Coded in HTML),Domain,Webhost
  14. There is no such ddos protection in packs lol...
  15. Oh god seriously I enjoy it
  16. Mxc became big brother
  17. Hahahahahahaahha
  18. Hahaha yeah I will really enjoy meeting you again we have a lot to tell of course after I share the files so everyone can get them .... Yeah sure L2 Dev helped you a lot after he destroy you since he is the only one that knew about backdoors.... A lot of thinking right ? Hahaha stay with your friend and cry to each other when I'll share the files tomorrow
  19. [GR] misstyping ειναι το διόρθωσα πιο κάτω εννοούσα ότι αν έκλεβα θα έκλεβα χιλιάρικα οχι τα 20€ του γυφτακου
  20. Yeah that's it....
  21. It's L2JFrozen it's not a project... it's just fancy outside,like npc's and bla bla Yes you helped him remove the backdoors you added so ironic.. hahahaha,seriously please stop posting until a Mod lock it and decides what to do. I can't spend more time for you
  22. Everytime i see your topic i get excited,every work is getting better and better.. GJ Mate
  23. Haha it doesn't even worth to reply dude.... that's why i also didn't replied to that.. forget it
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