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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=238782.new#new wrong section
  2. pisteuo idi na exei ginei kommatia kai na pouliounte antalaktika
  3. i think better to buy for start 2 dorans blade and some ward to put and not lanter.after you sell dorans and you take what ever you want.i never played with latern on ez its your opinion
  4. Δε ξέρω δε ξέρω...
  5. y i know but ok you play with your own build
  6. if you dont know tf is best item for ez
  7. you build first latern and last item trinity? gj
  8. i know it's easy but i think they are people who dont know it
  9. i dont have a friend for duo.my friend is at west but i can go at west.i was 3 days at west and for that 3 days i played about 30 games and the 23 was defeat
  10. in next patch i am sure that they gonna nerf a little bit the varus
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