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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. dn itane kai terastio.ara to afisane e3w sto dromo kai to vrikane
  2. before i won a game with ashe.at start i had 1/3 because i was angry with my team.and i end the match with 21/9 and quadra kill. kayle is so op at top
  3. is possible but is more hard from prefrenzy.i never tried tyrant prezealot :S
  4. i am at 1060 elo omfgggggggg fucking idiots fucking noob teams i hope all noobs and trolls die from aids fuck off
  5. i have graphick to 1200x1100 i dont remember so good.but at lowest lvl graphics is shit
  6. i won the game.i had 1/5 at start because noc ks me 2 or 3 kills.and when match end i had 12/6
  7. can i ask?is something you can do to have a little bit more fps? because some times at team fights from 20 fps i getting down to 10 or little more.if anyone know something tell me
  8. now i play one match i am cait and i have support noc who ks kills and minions.ali jungle kennen mid te emo top what to do with that noc?
  9. xD but i dont think we can play today many noobs playing lol at sundays
  10. now i am fucked i am at 1080 elo i am proud of my teams
  11. you was so lucky.in 2 days from 1240 elo i got down to 1110 fuck.i know i can make my elo 1300 but with that noob teams its so hard
  12. theme:if you can something from lol like ashe or vayne text:Dr3m0 thanks
  13. to exw akousi auto p 8es alla tr dn m erxete gmt
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