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Trance's post in gameserver & loginserver database, database installer. was marked as the answer
Those files are based on aCis 315 if I remember well; it's running on Java 7.
Trance's post in Install Server on Debian VPS was marked as the answer
sudo -s apt edit-sources
This is what I used inside the sources.list to update to the latest one bullseye
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main contrib non-free deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-updates main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports main contrib non-free
And then you run the above command.
Trance's post in Party zone add check was marked as the answer
You do this at enter and exist/teleport/logout, but you don't check the class like this guy needs to.
Trance's post in Maximum 2 healers allowed in party was marked as the answer
Your "party.getMembersCount() >= 2" condition is for the party overall.
You need to store the healers at-invite and remove them at-leave, so you know they are actually in the party.
filter(player -> player.getClassId() == 97).size()
Fast and ugly for the sake of L2J:
private static final List<Player> HEALER_LIST = new ArrayList<>();
If player.getClassId == 97:
You can use the condition If HEALER_LIST.size() >= 2 to forbid an amount and you don't need to check getClassId, because you already checked that at add/remove.
You also got this: for (Player healer : HEALER_LIST)
So you can do stuff with the healer while being in the party.
Make the player to leave party while changing subclasses.
Trance's post in Best Server Pack For High Five was marked as the answer
Sooner or later you'll be screwing around with those packs. Not because it is based on a bad platform, but those are designed to trick buyers; adding any custom only to fool people who don't have knowledge. Inside the development is a disaster, it's foolish to choose a pack for its customs. If you want a long term project, you should look for stability and cleanliness. L2JServer is the only pack that deserves to be used. L2JServer was behind in development, but this has changed, now it's stronger than ever.
Trance's post in Need Help, Got Problem was marked as the answer
Trance's post in Change Announcement Color was marked as the answer
It's easy to take it from h5.
If this feature is missing, you can use other options from Say2, for instance:
Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER, player.getName(), "is lame!")); -
Trance's post in How To Add Customs was marked as the answer
Everything is as XML, all in one.
Trance's post in Acis Xp Problem was marked as the answer
Guys, he's probably using java 8, unistall the current java and install java jdk 7.
Trance's post in Can't Run As Ant Build -1- was marked as the answer
You may have fixed the problem after all, but these information are saved w/ your error. So, go to ".\Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core\.launches" and delete what's inside.
Trance's post in How To Disable Bow Only On Pvp was marked as the answer
Add the code after "if (item == null) return;"
EnterWorld.java if (activeChar.getClassId() == ClassId.phoenixKnight) { // is phoenixKnight for (L2ItemInstance item : activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItems()) { if (item != null && item.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW) // weapons is bow type { int slot = activeChar.getInventory().getSlotFromItem(item); activeChar.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlot(slot); // unequip the bow } } } This is an example for phoenixKnight, you should figure out how to add the other classes. -
Trance's post in Can Anyone Share Code For Maximilian To Have All Subclasses,? was marked as the answer
All subclasses are available now, and the number of available subclasses was increased from 3 to 12.