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Everything posted by CCCRisDEAD

  1. yeah.. well... about that, i have seen this EVO D sig in some photoshop forum.. i am now looking for it to show you.. only it had another nickname.
  2. Man that window is so not real.. who the f**k makes anything in photoshop with italic font xDD use tahoma, normal. No offence man ^^
  3. no you mixed up a few things.. as for luis i thought that was ur nickname.. now i see, its lostos, lol
  4. Yeah i always get those 2 mixed up.. if you want i can maybe help you with your sig's "ekoice" text stroke.. cuz i think u see its a little.. whats the work for this...... dissolved? if you want it not to be CTRL+Click on ur text "ekoice" to load selection. Go select > modify > expand > 1PT and click ok. Hold CTRL + ALT and lick on the text layer "Ekoice".. make new layer CTRL + SHIFT + N.. select black color and press ALT+BACKSPACE to fill... it should look better and not dissolved.. I know it might be a problem cuz u made glow anim already. Well just tryin to help.
  5. yeah i know.. the same animation... first time i seen it xD
  6. MASTROPOS dont u have too much sigs ^^ btw who made this sig:
  7. Darky u made that spiderman background ur self? PS. ( little kids can buy beers........ :/ ) i dont know why you make :/ smile like its something bad.. If in LT police catches any store selling beer to 17- year old the store gets shut down.. well not big stores, i dunno what would happen to em but they dont sell and thats that. I want to live in greece.. Dreamland thats what it is.
  8. u mean little kids can buy beer? >luis (I don't wanna post my real logo, cuz others might steal it. (Whatsoever) ) So made it just to look at it youself and not show anybody? I thought in off-topic we can talk all we want.. and we are talking about signatures
  9. yeah, its easy... i am 16 now.. almost 17, and i made myself a "student card" dunno if its callled like that in greece.. in lt its "mokinio pažymėjimas".. anyway i made myself one where it says that i am 18.. So i can buy all the Beer i want, LOL.
  10. >.> wow grece sees graffity differently that we do... but nvm
  11. I dont see it as a big problem... but wow... cool signature lostos xDD Just wanted to say that..
  12. yeah the italic is weir in ps.. i use it in word if i need sometyhing to do for school.. you should try using Tahoma font in photoshop and select the font to be smooth.. it will look more real :) Long ago i made this: It fooled people on the LM tracker (linkomanija.net) that i downloaded 445Mb and uploaded 660Gb xDD (PS. Thats uTorrent, and "MANO LM BANNED ACCOUNTAS" and other line i wrote myself in lithuanian.. but i doesnt matter twhat it says)
  13. so he wanted it to look like crap?
  14. EVO i saw your signature already in ragezone xDD as for window, you should use a normal font to make it look real.
  15. I love DX too :PP sorry for non topic post ^^
  16. open it with firefox, internet explorer or any browser you are using.
  17. i merged all the layers to 1 .. but you can ask me ...
  18. Made 1... just my work + render.. I think it turned out OK. So what he is learning.. and i like his work. Your learning basics yourself. I think it doesnt matter how its made i think its how it looks, well i made this one above just to see how would it be. BTW srry for this double or triple post... dont be mad ^^
  19. http://www.2shared.com/file/1928763/dff8fe6d/signature-1csfg.html here it is.. dunno will it help u
  20. about that sig? i made it, just didnt upload yet
  21. Ok, coming back to the topic.. well maybe you dont liek it but i am used to simple default fonts ^^
  22. no, i was talkin about when you took kompylos sig and made it into urs.. well i can make a video i think..
  23. get loose noob? wtf.. maybe u meant get lost noob?
  24. go to this link to connect to irc: >> irc://irc.dal.net:6667 << (copy this line in your browser, if you have mirc it will open it with this server). type /j maxbastards in any box of irc and your in there with us :)
  25. Yeah.. we need IRC channel
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