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Everything posted by nlajay

  1. That makes sense indeed. But thats always open for suggestions. Hopefully more people will vote, since the viewers atm, is quite thin. xD
  2. Basically what the title says. Me and my friend have decided to pick up the old tools, and try to recreate servers like l2 revenge sublimity etc, but not so much starwars. We just need to know if, if we will go for hard work and dedication to get you unique and new things u never saw before, if it is worth it. We would love to do that for u guys, as we miss the good old l2 days, and i believe, without all the hocuspocus systems and stuff nowadays, you and we, can make it happen. We are just hoping u will support us! So let the votes begin, and i hope all of you are as excited as we are :) Greetingz, Arr0w P.s : U don't have to reply, voting is allready enough. But replies are more then welcome ofcourse :)
  3. fixed it. Thanks anyway. I still would like to know how to edit the lineage2.exe file though xD
  4. i've tried that but it does not work, and its not a decrypted system folder yet fyi. Its a complete clean install, and shoot thought i had it in the right section my bad
  5. Hey everyone, as the title states, does anybody know a guide or can explain to me how to edit the lineage2.exe file outside the system folder ? I cannot start the client, cause if i do it through that it will just automatically update. And i tried renaming l2.bin but that does not work either. I hope some of you can help me out here! thanks in advance
  6. Nice tool CricitalError! :) Might come in handy
  7. Name : Pr0tect0r Class : Orc Destroyer Server : L2xtreme Photos : unfortunately no
  8. Beginning of L2Extreme. Class: Treasure Hunter Name: PrinceNightmare
  9. Well i see pros and cons from both sides. However i agree tho, that IL is quiet dead, and lineage pvt community needs something new. A new chronicle with lots of promising features. A new chronicle does not have to be bad, if old parts are left in the game, as well new parts for the people who want to experience something new. And believe me, we are going to make a server with so many great features, that even the c3 lovers can't say no to this. It's going to be alot of work, and alot of time, but i know how it feels like to being forced to move to another server, while you have spended so many hours and effort in trying what u had achieved. So i want to make something that can last and yet won't get boring. And ofcourse donations will be in order to keep the server alive, but believe me when i say the donation list will never ever unbalance the server, just giving others a prestart and advantage in a quicker time. Anyway, I've decided to go freya so everyone even all you IL lovers, can have a taste on a new server with a new chronicle with its own unique features. We are a devoted team who know exactly what we are doing, so things shall be uncomparable with all the other servers out there. We will make the best freya mid-rate server out there!!! And ofcourse we need you to enjoy it :) In a few weeks i hope our website is done, and i shall post it in this topic so u guys can update yourself on the status of our server. And just to give something away, The server is called L2Prominance xD And i could give a sneak peak of a new feature, but that only gives others to copycat :P So please have patience! As it might take several months, but in the end it will be worth it.! Regards, Arrow
  10. Well there's 1 thing that bothers me with Freya.. there's so many stuff in it... it's not like the old days ( Interlude ) and thats what i kind of miss. But i should get over it :)
  11. Well it's good to see people state their opinions. Thats why I've made a poll :) and yes I'm almost sure about going Freya.. as different people stated that its a better and wiser choice if i want to attract lots of people that are interested in a stable server.
  12. It's not about listening and believing everything directly. I would like to hear some good opinions from people.. Let's just say were building a list with the pros and cons of Interlude and Freya. Eventually we decide our move (Almost sure its Freya).
  13. Please lock or delete this one :) Ive made a poll here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=197833.0 Thanks.
  14. Hey ya'll, We are currently working on a unique server the idea's are amazing, but we want to make sure to get the most population out there. So my question to you is : Should we open a Interlude server, or a Freya one ? The most votes with the chosen chronicle shall be picked as our servers chronicle. You can vote untill next tuesday! I Thank you all !! And hope to make the best server, and the most reliable server out there! Regards, Arrow
  15. Hey ya'll, We are going to work on a server with unique features, but we want to make sure to get the most population out there. So my question to you is : Should we open a Interlude server, or a Freya ? The most replies with the chose chronicle shall be chosen. This is valid untill upcoming saturday! I Thank you all !! And hope to make the best server, and the most reliable server out there! Regards, Arrow
  16. Allright mate thanks for the help :)
  17. Well am sorry am not such a well seeker, but atleast you could give me a sort of direction or where and how to search for
  18. Hey everyone, as the title allready says, i've been looking for a 64bit version of l2off epiloque/freya files. But i cannot find them And i was hoping someone could. I hope that there is one of you who might be able to help me out! Anyway, Thanks in advance! Greetz, nlajay
  19. When i run the dumper it crashes. Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
  20. well like the an armot that can only be used in oly and also oly only accept these armors. I want to make draconic leather armor oly only armor and imperial.. and majestic leather armor and dark crustal robe alympiad only. So that people have to use these armors to join oly
  21. As the title says, i was wondering if there is anyone who could help me out, with how to make/create an olympiad armor. I really thank you for your help! Kind regards, nlajay
  22. Thx for the answer mate really appreciated! So i shall test my server on l2phx. However L2net ive allready tried and it still worked. So i need to protect against that
  23. Have you forwarded your ports ? Is the game server on the right port. Your db or your login server.
  24. Guess no one really does or is to greedy to share :'( >< meh
  25. hello everyone, I do not really want to bother you with this question, but i cannot figure it out my self. I have been searching for week but cannot find the proper java code for epilogue. Is there anyone, i can only hope who can help me with a java protection for L2 Epilogue against l2px/bots. It's highly appreciated and hope some one can help me! l2j version = 4410 l2dp = 7664 Kind regards, nlajay
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