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Everything posted by krooy100

  1. nice...thx for share
  2. i have a problem . Any ideea?
  3. nice thx
  4. Hello.I have a question.What Server pack support Gracia Epilogue client.can someone give me the link to pack?
  5. i do this.i connect to my server.i chose one server and when to clik "Confirm" nothing happens.
  6. Please help me. i make a server and i can't connect to my server. i use elilogue client. server pack is Oneo_Preconfigure_by_TheMentaL Maby something it's wrong .Help
  7. i resolved that. but what server pack for gracia epilogue you recomanded me? I have a new problem.I start the login and game server .Evrytingk ok. But when i enter in client when to click Confirm to enter in server it dosen't do enything.Help.Sorry for my bad bad english.
  8. and i have a problem too...in gameserver console it say Cannot connect to "my ip"... or something lick that
  9. Hello.I have a problem with my Gracia Epilogue client.What i must to do to can connect to my server.I do the thing with host and with l2.ini. Thanks.
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