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Everything posted by busimas

  1. WTB adena in asterios h5 (x7) Pheonix server . pm me in maxcheaters
  2. Hello i am selling bp acc (nobl ) Vesper noble r set+3 (full attr) Found dyn mace+3 Vesper/vorpal jew +3 2k Donation coins 1kkk P def amulet, hp amulet ALL Books learner 10EURO ! Contact: Skype: ciudnokas Or pm in maxcheaters
  3. hello i am selling L2dorn overlord acc OR TRADING TO ITEMS IN REDEMPTION Rising star+6+acu Vesper found set+6 Vorpal jew+4,blessed freya+5, 950Dorn coins belt,shirt all skills +30/15. PRICE: 20euro. for more info pm skype: Ciudnokas or forum pm.
  4. hello i am selling Titan account or just an items . Fully ready Titan +30 skills with divine warrior transform epic for instances . Moirai set Half found +4-6 (Full attribute) Vorpal h set ( 4lvl attr mean 60/60/60) vorpal jew Frintezza necklase olaf tshirt+1 Feather eye blade+2+f (300holy) Dynasty crusher+4+rsk focus (300 holy) and some more shits. about 20euro Pm in maxcheater or skype: ciudnokas
  5. he is not giving for himself :) he is trusted seller :)
  6. Hello i am selling duelist account. Found noble vesper heavy+8 full atributed Found vesper dual +6 earth attr (augment passive duel might) Frintezza+6,Zaken+5,Antharas+5,vorpal jewellary Cloak of Hero White, zaken hat All the skills+30 Olaf t-shirt+10 Top grade belt (pvp skill attack) 1 bill 230donate poung and some more stuff 130+fa pm in maxcheaters or contact skype: ciudnokas
  7. great fast seller, trusted.
  8. I am buying adenas in l2 tales 20bil - 20eu more info and prices skype: ciudnokas
  9. if u see many who sells items in rpg they are from lithuania :) there is one clan :0
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